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Okay, somebody tell me what's REALLY going on here. I know how to mike a drum kit, I know how to get great sounds, I've got great gear and great kits and snares, but no matter how hard I try, the snare drum track always turns into a ride cymbal or hi-hat track. Ditto the overheads and room mics.

I know these modern punk drummers are beating the living daylights out of their cymbals, but their snare drum always rings true on record. I know that good players hit the crap out of their drums, and barely touch their cymbals (in comparison), and I certainly get good results when I, personally, play that way, but what of these guys that just bash the sh*t out of everything? Somehow, the snare drums on modern punk records pop right out of the mix.

I've been told to get off the wheel of frustration and use sound replacer, because that's what these modern producers are doing. Is this what's really going on?

I'm at my wit's end here.


anonymous Fri, 09/24/2004 - 04:57

Haven't have time to read more than the first page here, but... sounds crazy to me that a properly micked snare sounds less than the cymbals on a snare track. Either the micking is totally wrong, or the drummer hits the cymbals with full force, while gently petting the snare.
How do you angle the mic towards the snare?
Or is it in the total mix this occurs? Pull down the OH, and pull up the snare track.