Do you generally send all your drum tracks to a 2-bus and compress them all together when tracking?
Back when I was mixing on an analog board I used to run a strapp
Back when I was mixing on an analog board I used to run a strapped pair of 160x compressors as an aux send on multi track bus 1 and 2 and return it like an FX return. It worked great on drums, adding a thickness that you just can't get from EQ, while retaining the transient response and body of the uncompressed tracks. I miss that.
Yeah Steve - I here you, the latency just makes it a phase night
Yeah Steve - I here you, the latency just makes it a phase nightmare - the only workaround I've found for a DAW is to record the compressed drums bus output to a stereo track & then time align it by sight ............ if you have the tracks to spare, which I usually don't.
They do? Even on a prerecorded track?! Thats interesting!! Well
They do? Even on a prerecorded track?! Thats interesting!!
Well I guess thats a pro for the native DAW concept then?
Latency isn't really an issue there unless you try to do stuff "live". I.e. try to monitor through plugins => dont work too well. I have my sonar set at over 100ms latency, but that doesnt "bother" me one bit... sure if I tweak an EQ I dont "hear" the result of the tweak until 100ms later... big deal.
I will have the opportunity to play with a pro-toools rig next week so this will be some things to keep in mind perhaps.
I don't usually do that while tracking... and only sometimes whe
I don't usually do that while tracking... and only sometimes when mixing. That doesn't mean you should or shouldn't. Do whatever works for you.