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Triggering my live cowbell off snare in Sequoia

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Submitted by Mitch Malloy on Sat, 09/09/2017 - 11:34

I LOVE tracking cowbell as I am among other things a percussionist but sometimes the snare hits are off (cause it can't possibly be me) ;>) and I can't read minds. Ha ha! So how do I trigger my cowbell off the snare so I don't have to line them up. Is this possible without a sampling plug in? :>) Thanks.


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Mitch Malloy

Seems like either aligning the cowbell track to the snare track with audio quantize somehow or putting my cowbell sample
into a sample triggering software and strapping it to another snare track same as trigger but one that will actually load and play my sample are the two options. Which is best? I can't figure out how to use audio quantize for this. And don't even need it for anything else.

Sat, 09/09/2017 - 11:50 Permalink
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