I LOVE tracking cowbell as I am among other things a percussionist but sometimes the snare hits are off (cause it can't possibly be me) ;>) and I can't read minds. Ha ha! So how do I trigger my cowbell off the snare so I don't have to line them up. Is this possible without a sampling plug in? :>) Thanks.
Seems like either aligning the cowbell track to the snare track
Seems like either aligning the cowbell track to the snare track with audio quantize somehow or putting my cowbell sample
into a sample triggering software and strapping it to another snare track same as trigger but one that will actually load and play my sample are the two options. Which is best? I can't figure out how to use audio quantize for this. And don't even need it for anything else.
If I wanted to be a smartass, I'd say : learn to play in time..
If I wanted to be a smartass, I'd say : learn to play in time.. (but I'm not)
There is many plugs that can aligned them and some of those are included in some DAWs. Beat detective is one of them.
If you want to do it simple, you can zoom both tracks and aligned them manually.
kontakt 5 loads and triggers the sample after you change it into
kontakt 5 loads and triggers the sample after you change it into a midi transient. :>) Works great.
Hi Mitch, and welcome. You've explained the problem well enou
Hi Mitch, and welcome.
You've explained the problem well enough, but didn't give us a clue as to what tools you have to combat it.
Can you provide any more info? Tracking into what? (DAW, any 3rd party plug-ins?)
You can use a sidechain from an audio track to trigger a sample
You can use a sidechain from an audio track to trigger a sample too, if have the right plug-ins.
Solved it with kontakt. :) thanks
Solved it with kontakt. :) thanks
Glad you figured it out on your own! We have a mutual friend on
Glad you figured it out on your own!
We have a mutual friend on the management side of the business, so I know a little bit about your career. I hope you'll stop back and keep me posted on what you're working on next.
Yeah Mitch, you rock and right on for joining our community.(y)
Yeah Mitch, you rock and right on for joining our community.(y)
Guys... Mitch is very cool, full of talent and chops, an outstanding vocalist and is my friend so please lets give him a big RO welcome. :love:
I'm tagging @MAGIX for you @Mitch Malloy because you can do this all in Samplitude and Sequoia.
Here is a bit more on that until @MAGIX arrives or others whom u
Here is a bit more on that until @MAGIX arrives or others whom use Sam or Sequoia join in.
[GALLERY=media, 42]Samplitude - Audio to Midi Transient detection - YouTube by audiokid posted Mar 23, 2015 at 8:48 PM[/GALLERY]
Here's a cool bit on Mitch. Hope you don't mind Mitch? :) [GALL
Here's a cool bit on Mitch. Hope you don't mind Mitch? :)
[GALLERY=media, 469]It's the right time (Mitch Malloy w Van Halen) - YouTube by audiokid posted Sep 9, 2017 at 4:05 PM[/GALLERY]
Welcome to our weird, nerdy and happy little family, Mitch! :)
Welcome to our weird, nerdy and happy little family, Mitch! :)
Great minds here!
Hey :) Welcome @Mitch Malloy and thanks to @audiokid for introdu
Hey :)
Welcome @Mitch Malloy and thanks to @audiokid for introducing us :)
Mitch already contacted us several month ago and we're happy to partner with him :)
"It's the right time" is an amazing track! That's for sure :)
Best regards,