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What mics for death metal drums?

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Submitted by Elmar on Tue, 05/02/2017 - 12:58

Hello there,

next weekend i want to record a drum kit (death metal). I have the following microphones:

- 2x Sennheiser MD 421
- 1 pair of Oktava MK-012
- 2x AKG D190C
- 5x Beyerdynamic M69N
- 1x Audio-Technica AT4040

Which mic should i use for what?

about every tip I would be happy

Thank you very much!


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without knowing the room or set up it's impossible for me to say which will work best on what but this is a guide as to which mic is good for which application. half the fun is experimenting.

MD 421 kick / toms
Oktava MK-012 overheads / hi hat
AKG D190C snare / toms / kick
5x Beyerdynamic M69N snare / toms / kick
- 1x Audio Technica AT4040 overhead / floor tom / kick (outside of drum)

Tue, 05/02/2017 - 13:55 Permalink