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Wow folks...I really miss this community.

Here's what I have been up to:

First I separated from my Wife Sept 20th and had to move out...unfortunantly...I gave her everything (houses, cars, accounts...etc except my studio and My Dog Maddie)and had to find a place to live. With little or no cash, no car, furniture etc. .moving and getting a car was rough but my good friend Rick Hammang came through and sold me a car and I even moved into his old is small and it is 550 /month but It sounds great in there...again, I had no furnishings at all...just a console throne. Sleeping on the floor is not too cool. I then hooked up with avanti video and did some work with them...but it was really light stuff and not much income.
I still do not have a phone or an internet connection as of living expenses take every last dime down here in South Florida...but I can pysically take my computer to the avanti office and hook up for short periods of time. I am not employed by avanti...but I can hang out, hopefully they will get a project that I can be involved in. The West Palm beach opera will need to be shot and recorded and put in the can this Sunday...and I love opera..especially first class large scale operas so at least I will get to do the audio. It is a freebee.

A tragic thing happened in January. My Mother passed away for emphesema. It was a kick in my chest. It happened on the 24th and January was hard for her during her last 3 weeks so That month was hard on everyone in my Family...and just now am I picking up the pieces and moving forward as I should. Anyone who has lost their Mother can testify to the hurt. She now is in a better place.

So far...I have applied at numerous facilities and some retail to make ends meet. I have the studio and mastering facility fully operational and I am getting a killer translation. It had some teething problems at first...but it has come together much nicer than before IMHO. I am actually getting Flat frequency response down to below 15hz. No Joke. It is amazing how the room sounds. The loudspeakers just disappear. not quite as much as with the high-endvalve amplification I had before but the 60WPCH amp I have now has adaquate headroom and plenty of viseral stimulation.

Now...As for the mastering project. I snail mailed all the information to Chris for the people who have paid their money for the original situation and Brad has taken over the project. I promise in the next coming weeks to repay all those who sent the money. I feel awfully bad about the turn of events that have occcured in my life in the past 6 months...but I am plugging away as hard as I know how to. My apologies to all who feel offended. I am finally open for business...hopefully I can scrounge up some projects and get back into the groove. I have been waiting for a gig that is supposed to take place in California since March 2001 and cancelled a number of projects to have room for that it is 12 months later and the project is still on the shelf. I simply cannot make myself as avalible to that project as I have is exspensive not getting gigs.

Well folks, I will visit as often as I possibly can..I really hope to get a phone and get on line as soon as possible...hopefully within 6 weeks...then I will be back here for hours a day as before. Thank you everyone I have associated with and please bear with a short time every cylinder will be hitting again.

