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So I bought this one for 80 USD on ebay because I wanted to get clearer sound on my recordings and I figured the wireless headset I was using would not cut it. Turns out whenever I tried to record with that one, you could hear a humming noise in the backgrounds but I can still hear it when I use this new microphone. I thought it was the room I was in so I switched to another more quiet one and it was still there. I tried to check the gain and additional decibel settings on Windows > Control Panel > Sound but it all seemed to be vain. I then tried to setting the mic to cardioid, put it inside an isolation box like this one

And the bloody background noise thing was still there! I'm out of ideas now, I've effectively cancelled the noise with Audacity but it would take for me to separate the audio track from the video and I'm afraid I have no experience synching such things. Ideally, I would like to just get a clear sound while recording and roll with that, specially since I plan on doing streamed video at one point.

[=""]Here's what it sounds like.[/]="…"]Here's what it sounds like.[/]

[[url=http://="…"]Here's what it sounds like when I cancel a recording's noise with Audacity and a bonus noise after the stuff I say to compare.[/]="…"]Here's what it sounds like when I cancel a recording's noise with Audacity and a bonus noise after the stuff I say to compare.[/]

Problem is I can't cancel that noise while live streaming and I don't know what's causing it.


pcrecord Wed, 05/14/2014 - 07:10

Either the computer fan as Donny Said or the pickup patern is also a valid point.
Also, the mic picks up interferences from the wireless signal of the headphones.
Or a ground problem or computer powersupply (specially with laptops)

Tests to do :
1- if it's a laptop, run it on battery (unplug power supply).
2- power down the headphones and record

paulears Wed, 05/14/2014 - 08:20

The noise cancellation also wrecks the audio quality from the mic - leaving it phase and nasty.

To me it sounds like you're too far away, or as said you're speaking into the back of the mic and the gain is just bringing up the room sound. I'm not hearing interference or mains noise - just not enough voice and too much room.

Boswell Wed, 05/14/2014 - 08:45

You are getting similar effects from two different types of microphones, which for me rules out an electrical or orientation problem with either microphone. It could be that, until you hear it in a recording, you have become deaf to the room noise generated by the computer or some other mechanical device.

Try recording with the microphone right next to the computer (but still located in its pickup pattern) and see if the recorded noise is a similar type but at a greater level.

StrategyNTactics Wed, 05/14/2014 - 09:54

Boswell, post: 414754, member: 29034 wrote: Where is the computer located relative to the microphone? The noise sounds like computer fan or drives.

I have two computers but I've only had the chance to record with my laptop since my desktop can't handle the stuff I wanna record and it doesn't have a copy of Sony Vegas I can edit videos with.

At the time of that recording I posted, the mic was 12 inches away from my laptop or so. It was positioning to its side, almost behind it. It's possible it's a fan noise, but I didn't think it was loud enough for it to be that. I will try doing a plain recording on my desktop later today to see if the noise is there too(the CPU is inside a cabinet so the fan noise might not leak as easily.

DonnyThompson, post: 414755, member: 46114 wrote: "The noise sounds like computer fan or drives."

yup. You are getting a lot of room.

I know nothing about the Blue Yeti. Does it have a pickup selector switch? If so, is it set for cardioid? You don't happen to have it set for Omni do you?

And you're sure you are speaking into the correct side?

Yes, it's set to cardioid like I said on my first post. I am positioned in this manner:

The box is about 12 inches from the laptop but it could go as far as 20 with the desktop, I think.

pcrecord, post: 414759, member: 46460 wrote: Either the computer fan as Donny Said or the pickup patern is also a valid point.
Also, the mic picks up interferences from the wireless signal of the headphones.
Or a ground problem or computer powersupply (specially with laptops)

Tests to do :
1- if it's a laptop, run it on battery (unplug power supply).
2- power down the headphones and record

The headphones were off last night when I recorded it. I will try to get a recording with my unplugged laptop and see if it changes.

paulears, post: 414762, member: 47782 wrote: The noise cancellation also wrecks the audio quality from the mic - leaving it phase and nasty.

To me it sounds like you're too far away, or as said you're speaking into the back of the mic and the gain is just bringing up the room sound. I'm not hearing interference or mains noise - just not enough voice and too much room.

Well, I am not directly talking to where the mic is positioned. The gain on it is set to nothing and the volume's below 50% so maybe that's why is sounds so low. I will try and tweak it.

Boswell, post: 414764, member: 29034 wrote: You are getting similar effects from two different types of microphones, which for me rules out an electrical or orientation problem with either microphone. It could be that, until you hear it in a recording, you have become deaf to the room noise generated by the computer or some other mechanical device.

Try recording with the microphone right next to the computer (but still located in its pickup pattern) and see if the recorded noise is a similar type but at a greater level.

I will try to record the mic from the right side and further away to see if the noise chances then.

paulears Wed, 05/14/2014 - 10:21

I think the snag is that you've created a home-made version of the popular foam recording devices, but not realised that these need you to be VERY close to the mic - usually lips to grill maybe 6"? They need a popper stopper too for the plosive breath sounds. If the mic is off to the side, then it's going to be off-axis to your voice, so your voice will be quieter - and it's quite possible the noise is being physically transmitted through the table, via the small stand, but also the cable - and the masking effect of the foam added to the distance is the problem. These types of mic device are great when the room is very boxy and has hard surfaces, but you need to get close in for them to work properly. Do you actually need it? You say you are doing live streaming? Just your spoken voice? If it was me - I'd put the mic on a boom stand, and point it at my mouth from slightly above my eye line, over the top of the computer - and see what it hears on cardioid. If you can get the computer into the mics null, then any noise from it is reduced, and having the mic in close gives you a warmer sound and more of it. If you put the headphones on, then all these things should be clearly evident. Keep in mind that a cardboard box sounds like a cardboard box if you speak into one, and the foam just reduces the cardboard effect at mid to high frequencies - the cardboard effect can also produce the sea shell phenomena - like when you put a shell to your ear and people think it sounds like the sea - when all it's doing is being a collector and reflector. Dump the box and do a comparison. Mic off to the side is absolutely a poor technique - put the mic where your mouth 'points'.

anonymous Wed, 05/14/2014 - 11:03

what is your distance from the mic? You need to be fairly close in order to increase the ratio of your direct voice vs the room's reflections of your voice...

"these need you to be VERY close to the mic - usually lips to grill maybe 6"? They need a popper stopper too for the plosive breath sounds. If the mic is off to the side, then it's going to be off-axis to your voice, so your voice will be quieter -"

whoops! sorry, Paul already asked that.

RemyRAD Wed, 05/14/2014 - 14:49

In every room that is anything but an anechoic chamber, a room will have a sound to it, all by itself. Your brain filters it all out. Your brain is the most powerful signal processor ever created. And microphones, in general, don't hear like our ears do. They pick up everything. Every piece of trash you don't need, they pick up. Condenser microphones are the worst offenders at doing that. Dynamic microphones are not only less sensitive, their frequency response is more bandwidth limited than that of condenser microphones. So they are more immune to the very highest interfering sounds and frequencies and less sensitive to frequencies below 50 Hz. Where, condenser microphones are good down to 20 or lower. This picks up trash outside vocal and most other instrumental frequencies. One really doesn't need 20-20,000 where 50-15,000 can actually sound better.

Now you understand this is a Side address microphone? Right? And you're singing in the direction of the name plaque, on the microphone? Or talking/speaking/announcing?

If you're announcing, reading out loud, lecturing? Stick your thumb on your chin and point your pinky at the microphone. Bring the microphone grille up to your pinky. Engage in a low-cut switch your microphone might have. Do not engage any pad switch your microphone might have i.e. anything that shows " -10 " or, higher.

I'm not real familiar with this microphone? It is I believe a USB type? Now, some USB microphones use the standard audio protocol of 16-bit, 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz sampling. No external drivers are needed for that. Of which, all of the controls, controlling your record levels and playback monitor levels, may be controlled from the Windows mixer. But then the sound card manufacturer may have included their own mixer applet? Of which, generally parallels the Windows mixer with or without added enhancements.

For USB devices that are capable of Higher Resolution recording capabilities such as 24-bit, 8.2/96 kHz sampling, all require a dedicated, company produced, specialty driver. And along with that specialty driver might be the companies own mixer applet? This can get very confusing when you have more than one much less 3 LOL. Many of these applets have separate controls for recording sources and play back listening sources. Which can also be confusing when you are tweaking the output instead of the input. It takes a bit of getting used to. And that changes with every computer, every operating system, every manufacturer of every audio gizmo that plugs into a computer.

If this were that easy? Everybody would be recording engineers or brain surgeons. My favorite was Brain Salad Surgery. Which is what I had, almost 9 years ago.

A house, a ball and a glass of milk.
Mx. Remy Ann David

StrategyNTactics Thu, 05/22/2014 - 23:40

Sorry for the late replies guys, I was evacuated from my home in Carlsbad last week because of the fires so I was staying elsewhere and I just had enough time to pick up my essentials(documents, change of clothes, dog and family pictures). Anyway, I'm back to normal so let's pick this up from where we left it.

paulears, post: 414766, member: 47782 wrote: I think the snag is that you've created a home-made version of the popular foam recording devices, but not realised that these need you to be VERY close to the mic - usually lips to grill maybe 6"? They need a popper stopper too for the plosive breath sounds. If the mic is off to the side, then it's going to be off-axis to your voice, so your voice will be quieter - and it's quite possible the noise is being physically transmitted through the table, via the small stand, but also the cable - and the masking effect of the foam added to the distance is the problem. These types of mic device are great when the room is very boxy and has hard surfaces, but you need to get close in for them to work properly. Do you actually need it? You say you are doing live streaming? Just your spoken voice? If it was me - I'd put the mic on a boom stand, and point it at my mouth from slightly above my eye line, over the top of the computer - and see what it hears on cardioid. If you can get the computer into the mics null, then any noise from it is reduced, and having the mic in close gives you a warmer sound and more of it. If you put the headphones on, then all these things should be clearly evident. Keep in mind that a cardboard box sounds like a cardboard box if you speak into one, and the foam just reduces the cardboard effect at mid to high frequencies - the cardboard effect can also produce the sea shell phenomena - like when you put a shell to your ear and people think it sounds like the sea - when all it's doing is being a collector and reflector. Dump the box and do a comparison. Mic off to the side is absolutely a poor technique - put the mic where your mouth 'points'.

Yes, I plan to do live streaming but mostly sticking to recording things and uploading them to YT later on. It's not just going to be spoken voice but also other people talking and I will need to record some sound generated by the computer. The Yeti Mic comes with a little stand but I don't know how I'd go about replacing it with something better. I could google it later.

The mic is already set to Cardoid. I will record one with the box and one without to test how it sounds like you say but with a fixed position relative to the mic(in front, not to the side).

pcrecord, post: 414784, member: 46460 wrote: Clearly, you are too far from the mic. You should speak or sing directly to it, from around 6''.
A voice is a very directionnal sound, at 6'' even a 45degree angle will drop the signal 5 to 10db. So if your voice is faint (from distance and angle) you need to push up the preamp to get good levels and therefore get alot of room noises.

Ok, I recorded these very close to the mic and not at an angle, just in front of it.

[=""]Plugged to my Desktop, a little further away from the next one but still within the 6 inch range.[/]=""]Plugged to my Desktop, a little further away from the next one but still within the 6 inch range.[/]

[[url=http://=""]This was a little closer but the mic was inside the box thing. [/]=""]This was a little closer but the mic was inside the box thing. [/]

I didn't notice much of a difference and the background buzzing thing is still there.

RemyRAD, post: 414776, member: 26269 wrote: In every room that is anything but an anechoic chamber, a room will have a sound to it, all by itself. Your brain filters it all out. Your brain is the most powerful signal processor ever created. And microphones, in general, don't hear like our ears do. They pick up everything. Every piece of trash you don't need, they pick up. Condenser microphones are the worst offenders at doing that. Dynamic microphones are not only less sensitive, their frequency response is more bandwidth limited than that of condenser microphones. So they are more immune to the very highest interfering sounds and frequencies and less sensitive to frequencies below 50 Hz. Where, condenser microphones are good down to 20 or lower. This picks up trash outside vocal and most other instrumental frequencies. One really doesn't need 20-20,000 where 50-15,000 can actually sound better.

Now you understand this is a Side address microphone? Right? And you're singing in the direction of the name plaque, on the microphone? Or talking/speaking/announcing?

If you're announcing, reading out loud, lecturing? Stick your thumb on your chin and point your pinky at the microphone. Bring the microphone grille up to your pinky. Engage in a low-cut switch your microphone might have. Do not engage any pad switch your microphone might have i.e. anything that shows " -10 " or, higher.

I'm not real familiar with this microphone? It is I believe a USB type? Now, some USB microphones use the standard audio protocol of 16-bit, 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz sampling. No external drivers are needed for that. Of which, all of the controls, controlling your record levels and playback monitor levels, may be controlled from the Windows mixer. But then the sound card manufacturer may have included their own mixer applet? Of which, generally parallels the Windows mixer with or without added enhancements.

For USB devices that are capable of Higher Resolution recording capabilities such as 24-bit, 8.2/96 kHz sampling, all require a dedicated, company produced, specialty driver. And along with that specialty driver might be the companies own mixer applet? This can get very confusing when you have more than one much less 3 LOL. Many of these applets have separate controls for recording sources and play back listening sources. Which can also be confusing when you are tweaking the output instead of the input. It takes a bit of getting used to. And that changes with every computer, every operating system, every manufacturer of every audio gizmo that plugs into a computer.

If this were that easy? Everybody would be recording engineers or brain surgeons. My favorite was Brain Salad Surgery. Which is what I had, almost 9 years ago.

A house, a ball and a glass of milk.
Mx. Remy Ann David

[[url=http://[/URL]="…"]This is the mic I got.[/]="…"]This is the mic I got.[/] It is indeed a USB mic and it came with no drivers. I just plugged it both to my laptop and my desktop. Bam. It was ready to use with no need for me to install anything.

I don't know about the room noise, but it seems to be in every recording I make regardless of room.

paulears Fri, 05/23/2014 - 03:44

In the first one, I can hear real room sounds - sounds to me like a fan or something mechanical, and in the second one, it's less boomy, and cleaner - but both also have the characteristic sound of data on a computer bus. The USB mic is using it's internal converter, and I suspect the digital noise is being generated inside. The only way to confirm this is to use a different computer. If the noise is the same on a different computer, then sadly, the mic is a bit, er, rubbish - the converter may just be poor, and the mic good - but not much you can do about that. If it's better on a different computer, then the problem is pointed at the first. This is very unlikely, because once the digitised audio arrived via USB, it's immune from interference.

I suspect your mic could indeed be the culprit. USB mics are so limiting that few people who really care about their audio want to use them. They can be good - I have one that's fine, but I don't use it because I usually want to adjust distance and gain - and you can't!

Boswell Fri, 05/23/2014 - 04:25

I did a quick spectral analysis on a non-vocal part of your last sample, and the humming noise is almost exactly 120Hz. This could be acoustic noise simply being accurately recorded or it could be unwanted external signals coupling in. Assuming you live in a 60Hz mains area (you don't give a location in your profile), it is likely to be mains-locked noise rather than something like a free-running fan, but if there were that amplitude of actual acoustic noise present, I feel sure you would have said you could hear it.

Exploring the signal coupling possibility suggests you should be looking at troubles due to rectified mains frequency getting into your analog signals either electrically or magnetically, while ruling rule out conventional switching power supplies such as that in your computer as being the source of the problem. The lack of significant harmonics in the hum would bias the search in the direction of magnetic coupling, but not at the exclusion of electrical interference.

StrategyNTactics Mon, 05/26/2014 - 04:45

Boswell, post: 414971, member: 29034 wrote: I did a quick spectral analysis on a non-vocal part of your last sample, and the humming noise is almost exactly 120Hz. This could be acoustic noise simply being accurately recorded or it could be unwanted external signals coupling in. Assuming you live in a 60Hz mains area (you don't give a location in your profile), it is likely to be mains-locked noise rather than something like a free-running fan, but if there were that amplitude of actual acoustic noise present, I feel sure you would have said you could hear it.

Exploring the signal coupling possibility suggests you should be looking at troubles due to rectified mains frequency getting into your analog signals either electrically or magnetically, while ruling rule out conventional switching power supplies such as that in your computer as being the source of the problem. The lack of significant harmonics in the hum would bias the search in the direction of magnetic coupling, but not at the exclusion of electrical interference.

I live in Carlsbad, CA. My Laptop fan is audible but the noise I recorded from my desktop was done while the laptop was off so it seems to be related to the mic. How can I check if it's a power supply/electrical issue?

paulears, post: 414969, member: 47782 wrote: In the first one, I can hear real room sounds - sounds to me like a fan or something mechanical, and in the second one, it's less boomy, and cleaner - but both also have the characteristic sound of data on a computer bus. The USB mic is using it's internal converter, and I suspect the digital noise is being generated inside. The only way to confirm this is to use a different computer. If the noise is the same on a different computer, then sadly, the mic is a bit, er, rubbish - the converter may just be poor, and the mic good - but not much you can do about that. If it's better on a different computer, then the problem is pointed at the first. This is very unlikely, because once the digitised audio arrived via USB, it's immune from interference.

I suspect your mic could indeed be the culprit. USB mics are so limiting that few people who really care about their audio want to use them. They can be good - I have one that's fine, but I don't use it because I usually want to adjust distance and gain - and you can't!

I already used it on a different computer. The sound from my first post is recorder with the same mic from my laptop. These new ones are from my desktop(first outside of the box and second inside). So is it the converter then?

paulears Mon, 05/26/2014 - 05:40

If I look at the clips in my audio editor, two things are apparent. Your recording level is VERY low, and almost certainly this is the old no adjustment problem - the gain is preset for your lips touching the mic, speaking in a loud voice. The details reported by Boswell are accurate - there is a very prominent low frequency whine - again, it will be the USB converter in the mic. Do the test again, go right into the mic and project - then with your voice near to full scale, the noise will be down really low. You are hardly tickling the meters, and at the bottom of the scale is the noise - you're just hardly getting over it. The room sounds can be heard, but don't even think about messing with the filter box if you cannot produce enough output. Look at where the peaks are, way, way down, with bags of headroom. I suspect the mic just isn't much good for your type of use - you want quieter delivery, at a distance, and the mic can't cope. Sorry.

pcrecord Mon, 05/26/2014 - 06:42

[[url=http://[/URL]="http://recording.or…"]StrategyNTactics[/]="http://recording.or…"]StrategyNTactics[/] ; you haven't confirm some important details :
1- Do you still use those wireless headphones and if so, did you try without them (they could make some interference)
2- Did you try to run the laptop on battery (doing so will bypass AC problems and help you know it's an electric problem)
3- Did you check the recording level and microphone boost option in windows ? (control pannel, sound, recording, right click on the mic for properties : check the tabs)
4- Last thing, the mic may be defective, bring it to the store where you bought it and make them test it. (or borrow a working usb mic to make tests)

StrategyNTactics Mon, 05/26/2014 - 06:59

paulears, post: 415061, member: 47782 wrote: If I look at the clips in my audio editor, two things are apparent. Your recording level is VERY low, and almost certainly this is the old no adjustment problem - the gain is preset for your lips touching the mic, speaking in a loud voice. The details reported by Boswell are accurate - there is a very prominent low frequency whine - again, it will be the USB converter in the mic. Do the test again, go right into the mic and project - then with your voice near to full scale, the noise will be down really low. You are hardly tickling the meters, and at the bottom of the scale is the noise - you're just hardly getting over it. The room sounds can be heard, but don't even think about messing with the filter box if you cannot produce enough output. Look at where the peaks are, way, way down, with bags of headroom. I suspect the mic just isn't much good for your type of use - you want quieter delivery, at a distance, and the mic can't cope. Sorry.

I will do one last round of testing then. If it comes down to it, what kind of microphone would you recommend for recording in a quiet, large sized room? The layout would be tough to describe so maybe I can take some pictures of my apartment so I can get something more fitting.

pcrecord, post: 415063, member: 46460 wrote: [[url=http://[/URL]="http://recording.or…"]StrategyNTactics[/]="http://recording.or…"]StrategyNTactics[/] ; you haven't confirm some important details :
1- Do you still use those wireless headphones and if so, did you try without them (they could make some interference)
2- Did you try to run the laptop on battery (doing so will bypass AC problems and help you know it's an electric problem)
3- Did you check the recording level and microphone boost option in windows ? (control pannel, sound, recording, right click on the mic for properties : check the tabs)
4- Last thing, the mic may be defective, bring it to the store where you bought it and make them test it. (or borrow a working usb mic to make tests)

1- I do use the headset from time to time but it wasn't on at the time I recorded.
2- I didn't try the battery thing yet but I can do it today. I think it might be just related to the mic like Paul says since the noise carried over to the desktop recording.
3- Yes. I made sure the gain/DB thing was set to 0 and everything else was set to default. The volume was between 50 for the mic.
4- That might be a problem. I got it off ebay and it's been a while since I bought it. I don't think I can get a refund at this point and I didn't get a warranty for it. Maybe the ebay guy had a warranty policy or something, I'd have to contact him but again, it's been months since I bought it.

pcrecord Mon, 05/26/2014 - 09:57

The DB thing set to 0 ...? Know that, in your recording software (audacity) when you record, you should check the level meter on the track input. It should read around -12db to -6db when peaks accurs. If you are lower than -20db on peaks, you will be near the normal electronic noise of the equipments. So when amplified to the listening level you're bound to ear a lot of noise. [[url=http://[/URL]="…"]

Please go back in the options of the mic (my point 3) and de activate the micro boost if activated and put the input level Higher than 50.
Let us know if it sound better.

paulears Mon, 05/26/2014 - 10:21

Try this - it will set your mind into the right mode. Sing into the microphone, really close - and adjust the gain on your software recorder so you don't go over maximum level. You'll find that you may have to lower the input level to stop it going into distortion. Up to '0' is ok, hitting '0' means distortion. The advice to find a peak level that is a bit less gives a little extra space a the top. Then, do the close up speaking with a strong speaking voice - the level on the meter will be lower than singing, so raise it to give the near to '0' level. Then move back a bit, and turn the level up again, and then maybe a bit further. Experiment with the record level control. Your quest is to get maximum signal, but never over. Your mic's internal analog to digital converter is producing a fixed amount of noise - the nasty electronic sound we can all hear, so as this level is fixed - the only variable is the difference between this noise and your voice - this is the signal to noise ratio - you need minimum noise and maximum signal. Because your internal converter is basic, you have no control over this ratio, apart from making more volume from your voice and getting closer - that is it.

You can buy an external A/D unit that has XLR inputs and a USB output, plus often headphones sockets and maybe a few switches for not too much - I like the Lexicons, but all the ones mentioned in this topic and others are pretty good - certainly as good as the mixers we've been using for years. You plug headphones in, and you can hear exactly what your recording will sound like. There are all sorts of quite nice, budget priced mics - dynamic and condenser. Just remember you need phantom power for a condenser, which may influence which preamp you buy.

StrategyNTactics Mon, 05/26/2014 - 13:44

pcrecord, post: 415070, member: 46460 wrote: The DB thing set to 0 ...? Know that, in your recording software (audacity) when you record, you should check the level meter on the track input. It should read around -12db to -6db when peaks accurs. If you are lower than -20db on peaks, you will be near the normal electronic noise of the equipments. So when amplified to the listening level you're bound to ear a lot of noise. [=",d.b2k&psig=AFQjCNEgG4SEY-B4fb_XkjRwdRlCNgpQjg&ust=1401209231468652"]

Please go back in the options of the mic (my point 3) and de activate the micro boost if activated and put the input level Higher than 50.
Let us know if it sound better.

Ok so I got confused. When configuring my built in mic for the laptop, it shows these options.

The Blue Yeti itself has no option to change gain digitally, it seems.

It does have its own "Gain" wheel thingy which I have all the way to the left(lowest). This is what it sounds like on 0, 50 and 100 Gain. The mic has two volume settings, the digital and a wheel that I have just set to the middle. This one says "Volume" so I'm assuming that's just what it is. Just to experiment, I will set it to 50% on all recordings.

[[url=http://="…"]0 gain[/]="…"]0 gain[/]
[=""]50 gain[/]="…"]50 gain[/]
[[url=http://="…"]100 gain[/]="…"]100 gain[/]

While recording with 0 Gain, this is what Audacity looked like recording and playing back:

Also, [[url=http://[/URL]="…"]here's a recording with the Gain set to 0[/]="…"]here's a recording with the Gain set to 0[/] while talking close to the mic with the laptop being unplugged.

paulears, post: 415071, member: 47782 wrote: Try this - it will set your mind into the right mode. Sing into the microphone, really close - and adjust the gain on your software recorder so you don't go over maximum level. You'll find that you may have to lower the input level to stop it going into distortion. Up to '0' is ok, hitting '0' means distortion. The advice to find a peak level that is a bit less gives a little extra space a the top. Then, do the close up speaking with a strong speaking voice - the level on the meter will be lower than singing, so raise it to give the near to '0' level. Then move back a bit, and turn the level up again, and then maybe a bit further. Experiment with the record level control. Your quest is to get maximum signal, but never over. Your mic's internal analog to digital converter is producing a fixed amount of noise - the nasty electronic sound we can all hear, so as this level is fixed - the only variable is the difference between this noise and your voice - this is the signal to noise ratio - you need minimum noise and maximum signal. Because your internal converter is basic, you have no control over this ratio, apart from making more volume from your voice and getting closer - that is it.

You can buy an external A/D unit that has XLR inputs and a USB output, plus often headphones sockets and maybe a few switches for not too much - I like the Lexicons, but all the ones mentioned in this topic and others are pretty good - certainly as good as the mixers we've been using for years. You plug headphones in, and you can hear exactly what your recording will sound like. There are all sorts of quite nice, budget priced mics - dynamic and condenser. Just remember you need phantom power for a condenser, which may influence which preamp you buy.

I can't sing! It seems the thing was under 0 all along if we go by the Audacity recording settings. I will mess around with some of the settings to see how much I can bring down the noise even if the ratio is beyond my control.

You kinda take me out of my field with that second paragraph. I must admit I have no experience with recording but it's a skill I need to acquire along with many others to make a small pet project of mine work. I'll just look up everything you mentioned.

paulears Mon, 05/26/2014 - 14:10

Take it all back - your microphone does have a gain control! why didn't you mention it before? With the gain on 100, the recording is distorted, and my view of the waveform clearly shows flattened tops - but the background noise sounds like ordinary noise in the room - I took the gain 100 clip, and normalised he noise after you had finished speaking and it doesn't to me sound like electronic digital noise, just ordinary room sound - maybe a fan or something rumbling. You now have the two controls you need. The mic gain - the knob on the mic, and the record level trim - so now you can try the 100 setting and move the mic around a bit to find the ideal distance. The thing about singing was not your singing voice, but singing volume! You still sound as if you are speaking very quietly.

So what to do. If it was me, I'd put the mic about a foo (30cm) from your mouth pointing straight at you (the element that is, as your mic is I believe a side fire?) Try it on the high gain setting first, and as said above, give yourself perhaps 6dB of headroom at the top. Record a bit check the levels, and make sure it didn't go to '0'. Close is fine. Listen back and see if the tone of your voice sounds good, and if you hear the background noise rumbling away, then try to work out why - can you hear the wind noise from a fan yourself? The mic can. So then you move hings about a bit. Maybe leave the position of you and the mic alone, but surround it with your foam box. You seem to have been able to get rid of the background hash sound by turning up the mic gain - the thing I did not think your mic had. The fact it has a gain control means it's going, I think, to be fine. You just need to spend time trying positions, gains and getting familiar with what they all do. You do have a decent set of headphones, I assume - because you can hear all this without actually recording. Ignore the second paragraph now you've found the gain control. You won't need to buy more kit.

Stop 'messing around' and start experimenting. They are NOT the same thing. Make sure you can hear what changing distance and settings do. Repeat the good changes, don't do the things that eventually you will realise make it worse.

Try to do some reading on gain stages. Audio equipment needs gain to be controlled - so loads of gain in one place and none somewhere else can be destructive to sound quality. Find out which adjustments improve the sound and which don't. get familiar with your equipment and most importantly, train your ears.

best of luck. Paul