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Hi guys, I'm trying to record pop/rock/acoustic vocals and am looking for a condensor mic for around 100$ or lower. Which would produce a nice clean pop sound?

I was thinking about the AT2020, or maybe CAD Mic GXL2200 but also maybe the AKG Perception120?

I'm using a Shure SM58 for digital recording and to me it sounds too boxy and not very clear with vocals, sort of like someones singing at a high school chorus concert but a dressed up version of that, and thats NOT what I'm going for.

I need a studio quality pop/rock/acoustic vocals that are clear and crisp. Which condensor mic should I get?

HERE ARE CLIPS: (analyze it for me please!) - rock ballad - pop


TheJackAttack Fri, 05/22/2009 - 08:24

Ahh, but it can if he is hearing problems in playback. Also, his compression and other tweaking has nothing to do with the Icycle.

Even at 24/44.1 on a tweaked computer there is a vast difference in what a true bidirectional interface with good or great AD/DA converters sounds like vice a computer soundcard. I experience that all the time when I am away from my rig and I pull up projects that were recorded with True pre's and RME converters and play them back on a laptop. A computer soundcard has VERY limited DSP capabilities otherwise we all wouldn't be dropping cash on interfaces with great converters.

mannyr Fri, 05/22/2009 - 08:46

All I know through evidence is that when I lower the gain on the preamp this distortion is never a problem.

I dont know where its originating from, because it is not the compressor or the limiter, if I'm not using my soundcard on my laptop then it's not that, and it's obviously not the SM58. So if it is the icicle.. then doesnt it make sense to lower the level on the preamp itself to make that distortion go away?

soapfloats Sun, 09/06/2009 - 21:27

I own 2 MXL990s, 2 MXL603s and an MXL3000.
I like the 3k on vocals sometimes. If you don't own a better condenser, it's OK.
Not at all happy w/ the 990s. Tinny, harsh, hyped. Garbage.
The 603s make for pretty nice pencil condensers.
Especially w/ the Oktavamod.

While I do have 2020, 414x2, Bluebird, & M39sx2 for my use, the MXLs get little to no use at all (noting the above).

If at all possible, save your money for a condenser in the $300-$800 range before going cheap. Or just buy 2 57s and a 58.

Take it from someone who jumped in headfirst and wasted a lot of cash.


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