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Hey guys, as from the jp22 post i know that a lot of you guys have good advice so ifugred i would ask you a question.

I just got a C414 B-XLS and i was wonderng if anyone has any tips on mcing a guitar cab with this mic. I usually use a 4033 throug my la-610 aaout a foot away off axis. Whcih gives me good result once i double track and pan hard.

I will be recording a really heavey band with a triple rectifier and really really wnat ot capture that heavey soundn, any tips. I also have more preamps to chooe from

daking, Vintech x73i, Focusrite 428. My webiste is for a full listing of my gear. please if anyone has any advice for good thick guitars let me know.
ther is a track that i did with the 4033 and art tps up there witha XXL peavey head, it is under Crashing Down. Please feel free to tell me what i am doing right and wrong, thanks for your time

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Davedog Sat, 11/12/2005 - 08:56

The 4033 is a very true mic. It delivers the source pretty much intact with very little coloration. That particular 414 is a bit bright for 'heavy guitar'...I would think with a triple rectumfryer you'd want something with more body and a definate ability to reproduce low order harmonics faithfully. SM7, SM57,and the two Beta mics would do just that. I dont know what your drum mic collection is like, but another choice would be the ATM25. All of these mics would be the upclose and personal mics and as a room mic the 414 would work well....just not as the primary noise collector. Usually the heavy sounds come from several mics. Watch your phase and have fun.

Love the Vintech.

anonymous Sun, 11/13/2005 - 16:05

awesome, that is the cab i plan on using tooo. now i am debating whether to go through the universal audio LA-610 or the vintech piece. i have never tracked guitar thourhg the vintech pice a matter a fact i havent really tracked anything thourhg it yet except top snare. should be interesting, hey what do you guys think of the Old School Audio stuff and if you have it what do you find it best on? specifacly the MP1-C, i belive i will be purchsing a couple modules tommorw along with a Lynx converter, any thoughts?