Hi there
I've got a question for all of you
Let's say (for example) that you have to record a drumkit and there are only 2 options for the overhead mics.
a) 2 cheap small condensators (identical)
b) 2 expensive large condensators... BUT...
They are not identical, cause one is the "tube-version" of the other... So they sound a bit different.
What would you choose... and why?
(And let's assume here that this is not a 3mic recording... so we have everything closed miked aswell... and let's say it's for a rock band)
OK? ;)
Originally posted by gie: Hi there I've got a question for all
Originally posted by gie:
Hi there
I've got a question for all of you
Let's say (for example) that you have to record a drumkit and there are only 2 options for the overhead mics.
a) 2 cheap small condensators (identical)
b) 2 expensive large condensators... BUT...
They are not identical, cause one is the "tube-version" of the other... So they sound a bit different....
What would you choose... and why?
(And let's assume here that this is not a 3mic recording... so we have everything closed miked aswell... and let's say it's for a rock band)
OK? ;)
try once m/s with the nice one's, for m/s you don't need a matched pair.
Do you have to record in stereo? Try to do everything in mono, w
Do you have to record in stereo? Try to do everything in mono, which - at least to me - sounds best anyway. I would therefore try to use one of the large condensers as overhead and the other as room mic. Try to record without hihat mic. If it sounds bad, add one of the small condensers.
Without hearing either your cheap small condensators or large un
Without hearing either your cheap small condensators or large unmatched nice condensators, it's impossible to answer. Also the style of music and songs are important to consider. "Rock" could mean anything from Air Supply to Marylin Manson
Which one is better? A Jedi thinks not of such things. Listen to the song... The song will tell you what to do.