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I'm trying to basically y-cable my PODxtLive so I can record direct and mic my Atomic at the same time (same performance). This allows me to blend the channels as well as just using one track or the other. The problem is that there is no master volume on the Atomic so in setting the Pod volume to get a good/clear direct level the Atomic becomes WAY too loud. I have tried a Y-cabe to a little Behringer mixer (between the Pod and Atomic) but the Behringer colors the sound too much (this little UB802 is one harsh/bright sounding piece of crap). Any suggestions on a simple solution? Better mixer? Basically all I'm looking for is a Y-cable with the ability to attenuate the volume on one side while coloring the sound as little as possible (I realize I might not be able to avoid SOME coloring)...sounds simple enough! Any advice?

direct atomic
volume attenuation



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