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Cubase SX
MIDIman keysatation
Using a SF2 NSKIT for drums.

Sequencing yesterday, the sequences all are not sustaining after the initial 'hit'. So everything is CHOPPY. No sustain on the cymbals. Have no idea what the deal is. If I hold the sustain pedal down it works, but even then on playback I have to hold the pedal down.

Running the SF2 in Kontakt.

I'm thinking of just bringing my rig over to my co-horts place. This is just too irritating to deal with today. . last time I fully trust the words "come on over, my set up is AWESOME!" :D



Nate Tschetter Mon, 04/28/2003 - 08:35


I've never used any of those programs but in similar situations I've:

1. Checked to make sure the controller (or any other instrument plugged to the MIDI "In" jack) is not sending "ALL NOTES OFF". This happened once with a D50.

2. If it works with the sustain pedal down, your tone generator may be gate time sensitive. IOW, the notes require a certain "length" note to fully trigger their envelope. Make sure your controller keyboard isn't sending out a fixed duration. Or, make sure the sequencing program isn't assigning a fixed duration note on playback.

3. This might be farfetched but perhaps you're exceding the polyphony of the tone generator. Can you send it fewer notes?

Any more info? How is it connected? What is controlling what?


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