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I have a question regarding Cubase .vst 5.0

I need to convert a .ARG file to Mp3 or .wav or anything else so I can convert it and put it over the internet how can I do this?

Please e-mail me at


or message her eand I will check


anonymous Fri, 05/20/2005 - 03:20

Do you mean exporting audio??

I think I get what you mean.

You need to export the audio from Cubase.

Please bare with me as I haven't used my version 5 for a while... I think there are still L and R selectors in the arrange window. These need to be set at the start of the track and where you want it to end (sounds daft, but I say this so you don't cut off any reverb trails etc...) next go to File and select export audio. Chose the format you want to use and bingo! Make sure all FX are on or they won't be audible.

If that's not what you mean I'll crawl under a rock and stay there!

I hope it helps.


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