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It would be great to get some feedback on my mixes from some experienced ears.

Don't be afraid to slap me in the face with your critique!

First up is a rocksong I mixed from another band.
NOTE: the song doesn't sound that good in mono because of the stems I recieved.
I've already received a lot of critics on the drums, so try focusing your feedback more on the other elements in the song.

Secondly I made a little house-track that I want critique on.

Extra: If you want to, you can also give feedback on the mastered house-track.

The files were too large so I uploaded them on dropbox, here's the link:


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steffeeh Wed, 11/27/2013 - 04:03

Thank you for your feedback audiokid!
As I said before, I've already received a lot of critiques on the drums.
Are there more elements in the rock-mix that's a bit painful?

Kurt, if you don't want to download any file, here are the songs on Soundcloud instead:
Do you know any way of fixing Dropbox so you can stream files directly on the webbrowser?


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