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Hi guys, after having a very good discussions on Master this mix, I thought we could take it from the start.

Why not record a well known easy song together, I might be a dreamer but I think it would be a very instructive experience for all.

It doesn't need to sound like the original, it's just to make the exercise, have fun and learn !

  1. we decide which song and use a midi file as a guide (so we all record at the same speed and have the same structure)
  2. We track what we could or want to do. Yes we may have 20 guitar tracks but it'll be fun.
  3. Discuss on tracking and techniques used
  4. Choose the best tracks to mix (ego aside of course)
  5. Mix exchanges
  6. Mastering exchanges
  7. Create an article with all the process that can stay on RO as a guide

    I don't know about you but, since I'm spending so much time on this forum, I think we could do a project all together, my friends !

    So step 1 : choose a song, let's gather your suggestions !

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audiokid Wed, 04/15/2015 - 01:16

pcrecord, post: 428032, member: 46460 wrote: [=""]DonnyThompson[/]="http://recording.or…"]DonnyThompson[/] and [[url=http://="http://recording.or…"]audiokid[/]="http://recording.or…"]audiokid[/] : please check on my plan and say if I'm doing everything according to RO interests and of course feel free to join in ! ;)

Sounds like great fun! Only thing I's suggest doing is using dropbox for the collaboration of multitracks amoungst yourselves and RO just for sharing and discussing 2 track here. That way you all can work at a good SR too.

Is that what you were getting at Marco?

DonnyThompson Wed, 04/15/2015 - 01:32

Agreed - you'll want to be able to maintain a level of quality along the way when you are trading tracks back and forth.
Or, you could set up an ftp.

I don't think there's anything wrong with posting individual tracks here for discussion, analysis and critique, but I wouldn't download them from here and use them for the project in this way - you'll want to stick with .wav files and the same SR/BR as the project file is... I don't think you'll want to start importing MP3 files into the project time-line...there's no benefit, if you want the final render to sound as good as it can.

IMHO of course.

pcrecord Wed, 04/15/2015 - 02:54

audiokid, post: 428043, member: 1 wrote: Only thing I's suggest doing is using dropbox for the collaboration of multitracks amoungst yourselves and RO just for sharing and discussing 2 track here

I have no problem using my dropbox or google drive to work on this, but I thought it would be better to contain the files ON RO, in the thread, even do the quality might suffer a bit, to be certain RO doesn't end up with dead links.

If this is going well, it could be a reference project for RO future users. That's why I'd like some advice on how to proceed with the file management.
I could actually create a new Gmail and Google drive instead of using my personal one ;)

freightgod Wed, 04/15/2015 - 03:19

pcrecord, post: 428048, member: 46460 wrote: I have no problem using my dropbox or google drive to work on this, but I thought it would be better to contain the files ON RO, in the thread, even do the quality might suffer a bit, to be certain RO doesn't end up with dead links.

If this is going well, it could be a reference project for RO future users. That's why I'd like some advice on how to proceed with the file management.
I could actually create a new Gmail and Google drive instead of using my personal one ;)

I suggest using Dropbox until the final mixdown, then share the final tracks in .mp3 on the site for discussion.

DonnyThompson Wed, 04/15/2015 - 04:12

It sounds like the best way to me too... but if you want forum critique, suggestion, confirmation, along the way, you'd need to provide some kind of public access to it - or at least to the membership here on RO.

It really depends on how involved you want the membership of RO to be, and in what capacity, that will determine what type of access you want to allow.

I will make one final suggestion, and then I'll shut up about it...

I think you guys need to pick one person amongst yourselves who acts as a sort of project coordinator/organizer .... someone who has a bit of control over things like the quality of the performances and takes, the overall recording quality/fidelity, but who can also organize these "sessions" as well, so that those involved know what the goal is for a particular hour/day/week.

This is really no different than a real time recording session, guys.

You'll need someone to say "okay.. so here's the plan for today" or "here's what I think we should concentrate on this week..."

Call it a "project coordinator", perhaps someone like Marco - who came up with the idea, and who has a particular vision and a scope for the project, who can point things in a certain direction and keep things organized so that you don't have a bunch of files floating around all over cyber-space with nowhere to land.

I'm not talking about a dictator...LOL ... it can still be a largely democratic process, but every project needs one person to act as a supervisor/organizer of sorts.

The more cooks you have in the kitchen, the higher the probability will be for distraction and lack-of-focus to occur.

This should be someone who is involved on a daily basis - and not someone who just shows up occasionally with incidental comments or critiques.

Just a suggestion. :)


pcrecord Wed, 04/15/2015 - 04:55

DonnyThompson, post: 428056, member: 46114 wrote: I think you guys need to pick one person amongst yourselves who acts as a sort of project coordinator/organizer .... someone who has a bit of control over things like the quality of the performances and takes, the overall recording quality/fidelity, but who can also organize these "sessions" as well, so that those involved know what the goal is for a particular hour/day/week.

I think I already took the role and I'm far from a dictator ;)
I'm gonna open a dropbox acount today and create a folder that anyone can right in but not delete (if I can)

I'm giving ONE MORE DAY to see if there is oppositions to the song suggestion :

  • "All I Have To Do Is Dream" by the Everly Brothers.
  • Which as been suggested to do a up-tempo remake, with a modern pop-rock twist.

freightgod Wed, 04/15/2015 - 05:24

I'm in! Yay! This will work and it'll be fun. Glad you're taking charge. I'll step back for a while but I'm here when you need me.

Careful with Dropbox! Always keep in mind two people can have the same file open at the same time! Last one to save wins...I found out the hard way. I strongly suggest (this was our workaround when we did this over at the Mixcraft forums) that you create a subfolder entitled "Work In Progress" and make everyone promise to drop any file under modification to that subfolder before working on it, then saving changes before moving the 'work done now' files back into the root shared folder. This is the simplest fail-safe solution I could come up with.

But I'll shut up, now! (However I can cheat on the side...and prep some wicked harmonies...

Good job, PC, Marco, whatever the heck your name is!

pcrecord Fri, 04/17/2015 - 19:12

All Right Guys ! Since no opposition was voiced. We will go for it.
I've opened a google drive account and will give the link to anyone who wants to participate.
I've already put the guide tracks and a drum test.
Feel free to record any instruments drop a mp3 here and the full 24bit96khz to google drive. (it you are not using 96khz just say so I'll upscale your files..)

pcrecord Sat, 04/18/2015 - 06:30

Note : when posting on my google drive, named the files your RO username I will transfer them to folders and change the rights so nobody delete them.
I also intend to keep a backup of files. (if you don't have the google drive link message me in private)

Here is my premixed drums (a wave copie is on google drive) :


Attached files 01 Pcrecord Premixed drums.mp3 (4.8 MB) 

freightgod Sun, 04/19/2015 - 05:40

pcrecord, post: 428167, member: 46460 wrote: From memory :
verse - nobreak - chorus - end

My idea was to do an anti-everly brothers version, but same structure. To get technical and stuff.

I actually look forward to doing harmony on this. Or attempting something.

Matt Mon, 04/20/2015 - 13:52

I was planning on laying down a drum track too, but finally receiver my studio door so spent the weekend finishing that up. I would also like a bass track before proceeding with the drums in order to maybe be influenced by that a bit. If no one puts that up, I'll try to do something on the drums in the coming evenings are pretty booked up these days

pcrecord Tue, 04/21/2015 - 02:50

eternalsound, post: 428245, member: 48927 wrote: Ok's a bass track. My pre-canned excuse is that I don't play bass. haha

If you want it redone let me know.


Sounds good !
I'm wandering if the pops I hear are on the original file or if it's only the mp3. (at 0:44)
I'm gonna import it in the project to see how it fits ;)

Thanks Eternalsound,

LarryQualm2 Tue, 04/21/2015 - 03:39

pcrecord, post: 428260, member: 46460 wrote: Sounds good !
I'm wandering if the pops I hear are on the original file or if it's only the mp3. (at 0:44)
I'm gonna import it in the project to see how it fits ;)

Thanks Eternalsound,

Pc, can you replace the notes that are cracking in the daw or do you want me to rerecord?

pcrecord Tue, 04/21/2015 - 03:53

eternalsound, post: 428264, member: 48927 wrote: Pc, can you replace the notes that are cracking in the daw or do you want me to rerecord?

This falls in the learning part of this projects. Have you Identified what's making those pops ?
Of course I can fix many things, either by taking another part of the track to put there or using tools like Izotope RX4
But, don't forget that we will all be mixing the song on the next step of the project. Not everyone has forensic tools. The better sounding track we offer the easier it'll be for others.
So I'll leave it up to you; you can re-track or fix it.. or upload a 24bit96khz version to googledrive and I'll do it for you ;)

Smashh Tue, 04/21/2015 - 08:53

Hope this doesnt show up twice , it seemed to fail first time up Anyways another possible bass line [[url=http://[/URL]="http://recording.or…"]Dream dream dream bass line.mp3[/]="http://recording.or…"]Dream dream dream bass line.mp3[/]



Attached files Dream dream dream bass line.mp3 (4.7 MB) 

pcrecord Wed, 04/22/2015 - 16:22

Hey guys, I hope you are still working on this with me.
Until now we have a drum track and possibly a second one in progress.
We have 2 bass tracks
But no guitars and vocals. If you already are working on tracks, let me know so I can plan a bit.
We are gonna take about one more week of tracking or until we at least have 1 track of each basic instruments.

Keep it up ! ;)

DonnyThompson Thu, 04/23/2015 - 04:16

eternalsound, post: 428264, member: 48927 wrote: Pc, can you replace the notes that are cracking in the daw or do you want me to rerecord?

Just an observer walking by the control room and popping his head into the door after hearing this...

Whenever possible, you should always get the best-recorded tracks that you possibly can - this goes not only for performances, but for fidelity and audio integrity as well.

And, as Marco mentioned, it gives you the opportunity to find out exactly why those clicks/pops are there. Figuring out why, finding a solution and fixing it not only benefits the project on the whole - because when it comes time for Marco to mix, it will be just that - a mixing session- and not a repair session - and there's a big difference ... but ... it also benefits you tremendously as well.... maybe the problem isn't on your end, perhaps something glitched in an upload or transfer, but, wouldn't you be much more comfortable and secure in knowing that your own studio's signal chain is clean and free from any issues... for your own future recordings... no? ;)

Okay...I've said my piece.... shutting up and leaving your control room now. I need more coffee, anyway. Besides, I hear there's a hot new secretary at the video production facility 2 doors down ... :)



LarryQualm2 Thu, 04/23/2015 - 07:12

DonnyThompson and pcrecord

Thanks for the advice on this. The source of my problem is that I cannot have my wireless internet card enabled when I record or I will get pops and cracks. This is a problem I've noticed with firewire interfaces. BUT, we don't have to digress into that here. I just have to remember to disable when I record. The files on the server are good. There are no pops and crackles in them. This includes the bass and guitar tracks.


Smashh Thu, 04/23/2015 - 08:12

Hi Fgod , I recorded the bass in 1 pass . I was thinking of the bass being down in the first verse before the snare kicks in
or no bass at all there , so I subbed the 1 for a 3 and imagined some nice harmonies going on there before it kicked in on 2nd verse.
Any where else in the song will be bad technique by me , and or my cheap ass bass not
having the same response across the freq range/ string :barefoot:

pcrecord Thu, 04/23/2015 - 08:33

Makzimia, post: 428361, member: 48344 wrote: Ash did a great bass line, trust another Aussie ;). And guitar from Chuck sounds like a nice idea, good drums so far too. Would love to add vocals, but I am minus my studio at the moment :(.

Makzimia, whenever your studio is ready, you will be able to join us where the project is. mixing or mastering ;)