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Any Protoolsers here?


Any played with any of the new digi goodies yet?. EditPack and control24?

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anonymous Mon, 05/28/2001 - 21:44

Sho'nuff! The Digi site is cool, informative, helpful etc., but the internationalism is more apparent in here, which is mad phat. I must say that I find it fascinating to ponder the projects that must come through in Sydney or Singapore, and how they would compare to the average session as experienced here in MN, USA.
the Control|24, by the by, seems like a great idea, except for the teeny little problem that it is not expandable. You can't get another one and sync 'em. What is that? Stuck with 24, with HOW many channels averaged in PT?
As for the edit pack, am I the only one who finds this to be a little pricey?

Greg Malcangi Tue, 05/29/2001 - 08:28

Hi Luke,

Remember the C24 only has 24 faders, not 24 channels. If you have say a 32 channel mix to see channels 17-32 there is a bank switch (or something similar). No matter how many channels you are running you can just bank switch and bring them up on the C24's faders.

If you really need to have 32 or more physical faders you are correct that the C24 isn't expandable, that's what the ProControl is for.

I don't think you'll find anyone, except a digi employee, that will disagree with your statement about the price of the Edit Pack.


Guest Sat, 06/09/2001 - 16:31

yarzzzz helloooooooo

Jooolz in da house!

hot PT stuff:

McDSP Analog Channel stuff - tried it at the AES in Amsterdam - it totaly rocks! :)

5.1.1 looks to be amazing! SO MANY improvements! Thank you Digi!

Soft SampleCell - shit I havent even fired up the s/h one I bought a year ago, oh well!


anonymous Sun, 07/01/2001 - 10:55

Any played with any of the new digi goodies yet?....EditPack and control24?

Yup, edit pack is kind'a too big (meaning too many buttons). The surround panners are great, but there are a couple of buttons I would never use, and also the fact that you have to dial the track you want to use/edit, instead of directly selecting it in pro control, kind'a sucks, but maybe that's just me :roll:

As for Protools, it's my second love!


Greg Malcangi Mon, 08/06/2001 - 23:24

Hi Agur,

I've only played around with the C24 for 10 minutes or so at the Digi headquarters in the UK. But from what I saw it's a lot of bang for the buck. The Focusrite mic pres in the C24 are good but aren't their top of the range ones like in the Red One, however they do seem to be a little better than their much cheaper Platinum pres.

I bought a ProControl (+ fader pack) a few years ago and have been extremely happy with it. Had the C24 existed at that time I think I would probably have brought that instead and spent the money I saved on some more high quality outboard gear.

I tried to get into the American version of your web site but couldn't manage it. I take it from your address that you are based near Lago Laguna. If so I've been there a couple of times and I'm deeply envious. It's got to be one of the most beautiful areas of Europe.


PlugHead Thu, 09/06/2001 - 16:38


Visiting this site for months, and now finally realize there's a Pro Tools forum - freakin awesome!

PT user of 4+ years: started with an AM-III card, now neck deep with TDM, AD-8000's and inboard/outboard. All the years of tirelessly working in PT has finally started to pay off with learning how to mix and get the results I want. Finally happy(ier!) with the end results, and that leads to more work, and better gigs.

Love the system - hate the hype!

PlugHead Productions

Todd Farone Sat, 10/13/2001 - 19:58

Just wanted to light up the room over here! Landed about five weeks ago ... ( finally put it all together... Mix Plus...with smokin' front end! ) I've got some serious learning to do.... is this the best part of the trip or what? I sure am having a great time! Haven't turned my equiptment off in days! I've got blisters on my fingers! Right now I've got a problem with the Access Virus... I'm totally hooked! Anyway, I've met the coolest people through Protools...Thanx to all you "posting lunatics" for steering me in the right direction...I look forward to meeting you all! Flush

e-cue Tue, 10/30/2001 - 20:46

Originally posted by Ang1970:
With a modicum of prodding, even most employees of digi would have to agree with that one.

Ang, what the hell is a "modicum of prodding"?

Protools has allowed me to do projects that never would have be completed. With budgets & all, I can SAVE my clients money and at the same time charge more. I can't wait to tell my grandchildren about the days we had to use tape.

Ang1970 Thu, 11/01/2001 - 06:53

Originally posted by e-cue:
Protools has allowed me to do projects that never would have be completed. With budgets & all, I can SAVE my clients money and at the same time charge more. I can't wait to tell my grandchildren about the days we had to use tape.

How much faster do you work with the edit pack than without it?

anonymous Thu, 11/01/2001 - 15:35

Hi. don't kick me out - I'm not a user yet.
BUT I WILL BE EARLY NEXT YEAR HONEST!I was going a different route but got trapped by an extremely cunning saleman in Sydney (that's in Australia - if you don't know where that is don't worry, neither does Sony who don't even list us in their forum membership locations. I had to put the UK - which in some pubs over here is very ideologically unsound mate). Anyway checked out forums etc, talked to people, and decided The Tools is the way to go. But damn...gotta save a few (hmm quite a few) more dollars and some of those sexy plug ins already know my name and address!!!Anyway regards,
look foreward to seeing some good posts.