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Great River MP-2NV or Millennia STT-1?

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Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 05/22/2006 - 02:31

Hello--I'm new to this forum and am hoping for some informed opinion on the choice of a new preamp for my home studio. My setup: Digi002 and a G5, with a Drawmer compressor and a Langevin dual mono pre. Mics include an AKG C414, an AT4050, a Neumann 184 and SM57 & 58.

I record primarily acoustic material--guitar, violin, mandolin, National steel guitar--but also electric bass and guitar and lap steel, and I use a Fantom X8 for sequencing.

I've been dissatisfied with the focus and "muddiness" of the Langevin, especially on classical and fingerstyle steel-string guitars.

I've narrowed my choices down to two preamps: The Great River MP-2NV and the Millennia Media STT-1 Origin. I've read the reviews on each, and each seems like a great preamp. I wonder if anyone here has used either preamp, or if there is another compelling choice I'm overlooking.

Thanks so much for any thoughts you might have.

Michael Hughes


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First let me Welcome you to RO!

Second, there is a search engine that you can use. This kind of stuff is talked about often.

The two units that you mention are both great but are diffetrent and would compliment each other well. The STT-1 is more of a recording channel so if you need and want those specific features, then it may be a good choice for you.

Mon, 05/22/2006 - 10:15 Permalink
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Indeed. You're comparing apples and oranges, here...

The GR, is a 2 channel "just a pre" - GREAT(River?), I'm sure, if you need "just a pre" with 2 channels(Tube?/SS? I don't remember?).

The Origin is a 1 channel "channel strip", which includes EQ, compression, tube or solid state, transformer or not, dee-essing, etc. GREAT, I'm sure, if you need "One, with everything, to go."

So - First-off, if you need 2 channels, you'd need 2 Origins (6 grand US).
If you don't need 2 channels, you're looking at the wrong Great River...

Secondly, to compare apples to apples, go to the Millennia web site and find their 2 channel "just a pre"(Tube or not...) While you're looking, go to the John Hardy web site and look at his "just a pre's", too - and whomever else's you can find, like, well, there are loads of them in this price-range(Doesn't hurt to check-out as much of the competition as possible?)...

Three... If you buy an Origin and don't like it, send it to me(!), I'll even pay the postage(ONLY the postage, but, the postage... hehheheh!), as it's just the ticket FOR ME!


Mon, 05/22/2006 - 14:26 Permalink
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Thanks for the responses to my question! I appreciate it.

AudioGaff, I've searched & read the comments about mic pres, but as a home studio guy with a background as a professional (ha!) musician, I'm on the learning curve here and could benefit from others in a similar situation. Over the last five years, I've been upgrading gradually from a Roland VS-1680 to a more carefully thought out system with higher quality key components. I must admit, though, that the Roland rocked my world for quite a while.

TeddyG, if I decide on the Origin & don't like it, I'll attach mail it to you at no cost. Re apples & oranges...more like oranges & tangerines I think. Both function very well as pre-amps. The channel strip attributes of the STT appeal in a way because they would do something different in the signal path than I can currently accomplish with the Wave plug-in suite I use. Er...or so it seems. It's so confusing, isn't it?

Actually, I've decided on the Great River because I have a more pressing need for two channels of good pre-amp than the additional effects the Millennia provides.

Thanks again for your thoughts.

Best regards,

Michael Hughes

My recordings

...and if you've really got some time on your hands, the backstory of my current project & this particular question

Tue, 05/23/2006 - 15:19 Permalink
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howdy,new here 2,i record acoustic piano and other acoustic instruments and if i had the money i would go with a earthworks stereo pre-amp and a matched pair of their best don't want tgo add anything to classical guitar or any acoustic instrument in my opinion and from what i have seen and heard i would go with these,or something close to it

Mon, 05/29/2006 - 19:34 Permalink
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I love my ST Origin. It has become more of my go to than anything else.
Let me suggest to upgrade all tubes to Mullard's (my preference) or Tele's.
It makes a huge difference.
I recently cut bass through the line inputs instead of inst input and it sounds so right for that project.
Don't be afraid to experiment with this piece, it deserves to be tested.

I have Amek's, Sony's, Focusrites, etc. but this one is really pure.

Tue, 05/30/2006 - 21:09 Permalink