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I'm building a studio at home. Currently I'm trying to decide on whether to get a PC or a Mac. I wanted to know if there is a huge difference between the 2 platforms. The reason I'm asking is that I have a good amount of experience working with PC's (and so does my friend who will probably be my greatest source of tech support) and pretty much none with Macs. The PC system I would build would be a very good one, a P4 with a RAID server and SCSI drives. How does this compete with a Mac? This is not just going to be a studio so I can dick around either. This is a serious project for serious recordings.

Any help would be great, thanks,


SonOfSmawg Sat, 01/18/2003 - 04:16

Argument? Hmmm ... not sure. I just noticed a bit of serious confusion ... something about Mac staying AHEAD of the technology curve (?). I guess, compared to an abacus...
Whatever he's doing, it's working for him, and that's really what it's all about for indie pros. If he's making enough money with his PT system that he can afford to buy disposable Macs every couple of years, then my hat's off to him. He's able to use the tools that work best for him, and he's comfortable with that.

but there's a catch...he loves the interface(the literal interface) of a Mac...he likes the Icons...he thinks that working on a Mac is more beautiful than a peecee...WTF?!!! Who cares?

Well, Mac icons are easily converted to peecee and vice-versa. Personally, I gotta have my little chrome-wire OSX trash can (named "Bottomless Pit" on my peecees). With LiteStep, or Window Blinds, he can make his peecee look almost identical to the Mac OS if he wants to. With Kaleidoscope, I can make my Mac look like Windows (not that I would ... YUCK), or make OS9 look like OSX, or apply any of the 100 or so other themes that I've collected. I've also collected over 1000 desktop wallpapers. I make a lot of my own icons and wallpapers, too.

Anywho ... and I hope this doesn't piss anybody off ... it's not meant-to, and it's nothing personal or biased in any way ... but I'm going to lock this thread up. These Mac/peecee wars are fun once in a while, and they often bring-out very good points, but I'm quite sure that we could all be making better use of our time and energy. *Big Smile* and *Tip o' the Hat* to all who participated, and thank you very much for your opinions, emotional responses, and excellent debate. It actually feels good to close a thread for a good reason for a change ... it's run it's course!

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)