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I'm close to buying my first keyboard. What I need is a 88 keys midi controller with sound and a good key action. It does not have to be a weighted action since I'm not a pianist. I want to have also piano sound on board and at least 128 notes of polyphony since I'm going to use it for a complicated compositions with virtual instruments. I need also pitch bender and modulation wheels.

What first came to my eyes was a Casio Privia PX-5s, but then I found Numa Compact. Since I've read that the Numa has a good keyboard (didn't touch it yet - will next week) and is more then 2x cheaper I would like to go with it than a Casio.

My concern is only, some people had issues with it - midi communication was poor, some physical problems as well. Are there any users of this keys who can tell me is I can go wrong buying it or is it safe buy?



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anonymous Tue, 08/26/2014 - 07:46

I can't comment on anything other than the Casio - which I have and really like. although I use it mostly for piano tracks... the lack of mod wheel would be a deal breaker for you if you are wanting to do a lot of synth work, or, even using something like NI's B3, which requires a mod wheel to control the Leslie speed on the B3...

As far as this Numa, which I know nothing about, if you are seeing or reading of a continual pattern of quality issues ( gathered from reliable sources, of course) in terms of that which you mention, I'd steer clear - at least until the company works out the various bugs.

Beyond you mentioning that you don't care about having "piano action", it might help us a bit if we knew a little more about what it is you want to accomplish...


Stradivariusz Tue, 08/26/2014 - 08:07

Thanks for your reply Donny,

Actually I do want to have a good keyboard, but from what I've read this particular model of Studiologic has good semiweighted keys which are a bit closer (read lighter) to the cembalo and organ keys which I'm more used to use. I will play piano music as well, but still this keyboard might be good enough for my needs. About the problems I told you about, these were obvious in the beginning fase of the production, I guess later Studiologic ingenieurs could made some patches which have solved the problems. That's why my question to the users of this Numa Compact.


anonymous Tue, 08/26/2014 - 08:34

You should go with whatever best fits your workflow and style, Strad. It's kinda hard for others to tell you what you should do, because everyone's needs are different.
My suggestion would be to make a list of the primary things that matter most to you, then find the keyboards that best fit that criteria, and then start narrowing down that list based on the various pros and cons of each in relation to how it would affect you...

Make your decision based up what you most require, but ...when doing so, don't leave out the company's past track record of service, problems, or, the quality of warranty and customer support, should something go wrong.

Please let us know where you land.

Good luck.


pcrecord Tue, 08/26/2014 - 08:35

Casio was always a cheap company for me, specially for their entry level equipement. But I did't try their recent stuff + I know they do highend gear that are Worth it. If the model is fairly new, it's hard to tell if it'll have problems or will last for decades.

The midi controller I use is a Korg M1. Bought it more than 20yrs ago and it still runs like a new one. (altought I changed the battery (CR2032) in it last year)
At it's first year on the market, it was Worth 3000$ I bought it 2yrs later for 2100$ with a stand and an amp. 8 yrs later, it was still available for 1300$
That was one of my best long lasting gear I bought ever !! ;)

Stradivariusz Tue, 08/26/2014 - 09:35

Casio makes now very good keyboards under the name Privia, these are no toys anymore, but apart from that, the Privia PX-5s has all what I need, but Numa Compact has it too. If only second one works without any problems by now I pefer to go with it. Korg M1 has 61 keys, no? And how much polyphony does it have? Not 16? Does it mean that if I work with the external virtual instruments it will be able to play only 16 voices?

Also I don't need to hear what's better, I know what I want. I only need to hear if the Numa Compact is a stable and good working controller - from the technical point of view I know that both will do the work.

anonymous Wed, 08/27/2014 - 01:21

The main function of a controller is to simply get midi information into a computer ( or to other synth modules) so that you can then assign that information to any sound you want through the use of VSTi's.
This information includes data like:

Note On/Off,
Time (where the note is inserted)
Velocity(how hard or soft the note is played)
Duration (how long the note is played)
Sustain (how long the note is held)
Aftertouch (can control things like vibrato, timbre, volume)

There are other pieces of data that are sent as well, some of which will vary depending on the sample library manufacturer:
On Native Instruments B4 (this is a Hammond B3 emulation), the Mod Wheel controls the switching on and off of the Leslie effect, as well as the speed of the Leslie.
In Garritan Personal Orchestra, the Mod Wheel acts as a controller for volume - swells, fades, etc.
In NI Colossus, the Mod Wheel controls vibrato on strings, and oscillations on synth and can also be assigned to control "morphing" from one sound to another.

Most all Midi controllers will come with the features that you need to handle all of these parameters - HOWEVER - there are some that don't include a mod wheel controller. Most of these types of controllers are designed strictly for piano players, who would have no need for a mod wheel's various controller functions.

Any synth with MIDI can act as a controller. You can use a Korg M1, a Yamaha DX7, anything that has a midi out jack. The polyphony isn't as limited because you aren't using the synth's internal sounds, you are triggering VSTi samples. Most modern VSTi's have very little limitations in terms of polyphony.

Again, I'd suggest that you make a list of the features that matter the most to you, for your situation and workflow, and then go over the various pros and cons of each model that you've found based on your original search criteria.



Stradivariusz Wed, 08/27/2014 - 01:57

Dear Donny,

I thought I did it in my first post already, but since I'm not a midi user since 1993 I might be missing something.
Here under again all points I do want:

- 88 keys of a good quality - does not have to be weighted, just good/ this anyway I will try myself before I buy it
- pitch bend and definitely a modulation wheel
- some sounds on board, at least piano of a good quality for a possibility of playing also without connecting the computer (Numa and Casio do have a great piano sound on board)
-of course midi communication, but I guess all keyboards having pitchbender and a mod. wheel do have a midi

That's it. I don't need or don't know that I would need more.



RemyRAD Wed, 08/27/2014 - 02:09

I really don't know much about the Numa, product line? But what I can tell ya, through my over 40 years of experience, is this:

Many of these companies, today, are in heavy competition with each other. Many rush things to market. Before they have really established the viability and reliability of their product. We've all heard of "Vaporware". Vaporware is nothing new. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. But when you hear about inconsistencies and questionable anomalies? It's a red flag. And when ya have a red flag like that. You don't purchase something like that, just because it's the only budget of something you can afford. You're pretty much guaranteed a questionable or bad experience and choice, at best?

No matter what your requirements might be? When something can't deliver? You're left holding the bag and looking like a fool. That's not a wise purchase. In fact it's stupid. This is why we work our asses off, scrimping and saving. Until at which time, we can afford, what must be purchased. That we know will be reliable and that will work and deliver for us, for years to come.

So if you came here just to get our approval? You won't. Professionals don't purchase stuff like that because it will destroy your integrity and what you can deliver. And if you're truly a professional? As we are. You'll have to make do with something less until at which time, you can get what you actually need. Need is different than want. Want is the attitude of a child. Need is the attitude of a professional. You can choose one or the other but ya can't choose both. However you can choose both if at first you also have what you need. Then the compromised item is just an ancillary item, not critical to getting the job done well. Because any job worth doing? Is worth doing well. Or not at all.

Bargains are not always bargains. That's why they are generally bargains, to begin with. Though, of course, there are exceptions to that rule. Just not very often. So ya might get lucky with that lower cost unit? But already, too many red flags. It would be like seeking out an Edsall Ford, just because one person happens to like theirs. But those in the know, knew those were dogs. So they die a cold and cruel death as one of the most worthless cars to own. Today, they might be collectors items? But they're still worthless cars, to own. And there were so many others just like that. Like the AMC Pacer. So ugly. So awful. They were cute. Ugh. And there's been plenty of other audio equipment, just like that, through the years. Much of it, not really worth owning. Even though one or two dummies, loved theirs.

So who would you trust? 20-year-old Billy Bob? Or a bunch of seasoned professionals, who've done this all their lives? The answer to that should be logical enough? I would think? Do you think also?

We'll find out.
Mx. Remy Ann David

anonymous Wed, 08/27/2014 - 02:27

If it were me, I'd go with the Casio PX-5s. It's got everything you are looking for, and, Casio has a pretty decent track record for warranty, support and service.

For the money, I don't think you'll do any better in terms of a controller that offers all the the features that you need and that the PX-5 has.

There are cheaper controllers out there... some are much cheaper, but you'll be sacrificing something, somewhere - it may be fewer keys, or the lack of mod/pitch wheels, or it may have the wheels, but will have no internal sounds of its own, etc.

So, for what you need and what you want to spend, I'd go with the Casio. I've had mine for about 5 years and I've never had any issues with it - and, I've even taken it out to do live gigs occasionally, so it's built well enough to handle moving.

IMHO of course.


Stradivariusz Wed, 08/27/2014 - 08:22

Thanks for that, it's definitely a good point. Now, after seriously thinking about the future possible troubles with the Numa I'm leaning indeed towards more expensive keyboards. Beside Casio I'm thinking about Korg Kross or maby even Kawai MP-6. It's not so much more expensive than a Casio and has or better keyboard (Kawai) or more other options/sounds. Will see. I've read indeed about poor customer service of Studiologic. It might have changed till now but what if not?

