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I am looking into purchasing some API 312's. I am looking at the vintage pre's with the original 2520 op amp and also the new 3124p with the new surface mount technology 2520 op amp. I understand there is a difference in sound between the two. Has anyone a/b'd these? If so what were your findings? How is the top end? Does one have more punch than the other? Is one tighter on bottom one than the other? Do you like one better overall than the other? Any other info on api pre's would be helpful.

I will be recording hard rock drums with them. I realize opinions will be subjective but any opinions or information would be greatly appreciated.





Guest Sat, 02/02/2002 - 01:28

I like my new ones, I dont know the old ones.
Mine are the 'old new ones' with the phantom power switches on the back (PITA) but I like the look of em better that the newest versions with the colored plastic buttons.. All I can recommend is that if you DO go for the new ones be sure to get the mixer option, I regret not getting it on my 3124 unit. :)