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Hey Gang, I was browsing and came across this artical

thought I'd share..

http://www.prorec.c…"]Mic Pre Shoot Out[/]="http://www.prorec.c…"]Mic Pre Shoot Out[/]

Sanity Inn

[ July 02, 2003, 12:24 PM: Message edited by: Kurt Foster ]


vinniesrs Wed, 07/02/2003 - 08:41

Here is a little known fact about roswell. In the late 1940's a spaceship crashed in area 51. on board that spaceship were numerous creatures of strange origin. one of them was.......Greg Mackie?

Just kidding. I DO have a mackie board, and I don't think the preamps are bad by any means. I have had the opportunity to a with avalon and amek, and I do notice a difference. I will say that the mackie pre's are competent. The eq's aren't too good, but the mackie seems clean, and presents a good value for the dollar.

This article seems a little crazy though, or did Greg mackie really come from the andromeda galaxy?(I'm going to take my board apart and look for alien symbols! :D :D )