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What is that makes a good mic preamp? There's such a large range to choose from. Starting at a 100 dollars/pounds to many thousands of dollars/pounds. I assume low noise and distortion are a major consideration, but even the relatively cheap ones seem pretty good at that. I've never had the chance to play with an expensive piece of kit. My experience up to know has been limited to three pre's at the bottom end of the price range- Behringer ultragain mic2200, a Joemeek VC 3Q and a Mindprint DI Port Preamp AD/DA converter. Each of these has it's own characteristics. What exactly could I expect for my money, If I went up a level or two?



KurtFoster Fri, 02/28/2003 - 19:21

"Thin like Mackie fat like Neve" ... it means just that. The better pres just have more girth, warmth are more "solid" sounding. "Big", the only way you will ever be able to know this is to hear it for your self. But I think I know where this is leading ... is the difference worth the price? IMO yes. Look around and see if you can find a rental place and compare some pres yourself. Then you will understand.... Fats