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30 years later, I'm looking at what we were doing in the 80's. Not much has changed other than its more ITB now and we have been spending the last 20 years trying to get it to work.. We used hardware and midi. It looks like Korg is getting back to the basics.

This is like looking at Roland back in 1979, where it all began.




Tony Carpenter Tue, 09/02/2014 - 10:30

Kurzweil K2000 ver 1.29 just added to my setup ($265.00 off goodwill, a steal!). I remember looking at these when I bought my Ensoniq TS-12 and Roland XP-80 (Just sold these finally about 2 years ago, wish I hadn't now...) I never had a big rack of keyboards. But I am from the days of Jupiters, M1s etc too. First synth I actually owned, cost me about $990 AUD, a Korg Poly 800. Jupiter 6 came actually a few years later, second hand. It's amazing to see what they fetch now... sold mine for $600.00. I currently have a Yamaha Motif XF-8 and the Kurzy, and an old TX81z module. For more sounds I then rely on Native instruments stuff, they do amazing work. Have to admit, I keep looking at the new Jupiter 80 and thinking it might make it in my studio in the future.

Toured with a Cp 80 OBXa a few Sh101s and something else, not mine, was interesting before midi hey :).