Just got this on facebook and yes it's real. Adobe has released Creative Suite 2 as freely downloadable.
[Updated] Have an Older Computer? Download Adobe CS2 Premium Plus for Free | Fstoppers
If you are using an older computer this means you get Adobe Audition for Free. GET TO IT!
http://www.adobe.co…"]Adobe - CS2 Downloads[/]="http://www.adobe.co…"]Adobe - CS2 Downloads[/]
yeah baby! now i just gotta find all my old cd data backups and
yeah baby! now i just gotta find all my old cd data backups and listen to my high school stuff again. cool. downloading it currently. thanks!!!
Just finished installing the entire suite with the exception of
Just finished installing the entire suite with the exception of Premier Pro. It just would not launch. At any rate, I never liked using Premier. It always seemed particularly restrictive for a "Pro" software.
Hueseph, what version of Audition is in that Suite?
Hueseph, what version of Audition is in that Suite?
Audition 3.0. Works like a charm and still very new to me. Every
Audition 3.0. Works like a charm and still very new to me. Everything in the suite is fully functional in Windows 7 64bit. No idea about OSX. Oh. With the exception of Premier Pro, which I could not get to install properly.
I liked version 3 pretty well. You should go ahead and install
I liked version 3 pretty well. You should go ahead and install the 3.01 update. 3 is a bit of little pig for resources but runs very very well and comes with a phase display for scrubbing. The CD authoring is good as well especially in regards dragging the track marker information from the file. It was my primary for it's product life. I have now moved to Audition CS6. It is an improvement and is not so much of a pig.
[[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.adobe.co…"]Adobe - Audition : For Windows[/]="http://www.adobe.co…"]Adobe - Audition : For Windows[/]
And you should be able to just get an upgrade price for CS6 now
And you should be able to just get an upgrade price for CS6 now if you like it well enough. Since I don't do dedicated mastering, the mastering tools in 3 and 6 have been all I required.
Thanks for that link. Much appreciated. thumb
Thanks for that link. Much appreciated. thumb
This tutorial is available for Audition 2 which is very very clo
This tutorial is available for Audition 2 which is very very close to 3. It has several companion DVD's with examples to work through yourself.
[="http://www.amazon.com/dp/0321832833/?tag=recording.org-20"]Adobe Audition CS6 Classroom in a Book: Adobe Creative Team: 9780321832832: Amazon.com: Books[/]="http://www.amazon.c…"]Adobe Audition CS6 Classroom in a Book: Adobe Creative Team: 9780321832832: Amazon.com: Books[/]
The older one is available used I see now:
[[url=http://="http://www.amazon.c…"]Amazon.com: Buying Choices: Adobe Audition 2.0 Classroom in a Book[/]="http://www.amazon.c…"]Amazon.com: Buying Choices: Adobe Audition 2.0 Classroom in a Book[/]
I'm so glad I spent all that money for that software. What a nic
I'm so glad I spent all that money for that software. What a nice treat for everyone else. That's like wow! Certainly a nice gesture. My Audition cost me $300. But wow... I'll download some of the other stuff for sure. I'm using the older computer still. Switched from Premier Pro 1.0 to Sony Vegas when that happened. Don't like folks screwing with my audio files if I don't want it screwed with.
Anyway happy getting loaded with software.
Mx. Remy Ann David
Sorry bout that Remy. I figured this might not rub well with som
Sorry bout that Remy. I figured this might not rub well with some of us.
Well, it's really no different than the $15,000+ I spent on my D
Well, it's really no different than the $15,000+ I spent on my DA-88 system back in 1993. So I got away easy on the software LOL. And after all that DA-88 system which is still quite usable as a standard definition digital system (i.e. 44.1 kHz, 16 bit) is worth well under $1000 today. And that's for the whole kit and caboodle. I just need to get to archiving my hundreds and hundreds of DA-88 Masters. And maybe I'll get that done by the end of 2013? LOL hopefully? And then maybe I can sell off the whole system for around $750 LOL? OMG... none of this digital stuff will ever hold its value anymore like the analog stuff still does. And it's that old analog stuff that is quite complimentary to this new digital stuff and still surpasses it quite nicely. Just like any SM57/58 will always be worth 50 bucks used but those cheap Chinese condenser microphones that cost hundreds of dollars will be worth practically nothing in a short amount of time as these no-name companies disappear. And where you will still find a 60-year-old RCA ribbon microphone still going and likely not a Chinese version as little as five years old. Simply because, nothing is built to last more than a couple of years today. It doesn't make good business sense to make anything that lasts for any length of time as both API and Neve found out directly. All of that stuff which has been in service for the past 40 years... is still in service today. So that's just the business of keeping up with the technical stuff in this business, when you have work and it's a business. Digital audio equipment is worse on used resale value than used cars. I've seen 48 input Neve, Capricorn consoles going for next to nothing. But not their analog versions. Which I think says a lot in spite of those quality mic preamps in those Neve, Capricorns, yet still nobody wants those standard resolution digital consoles even if they were 24-bit way back when. And where rich guys can afford to swapout those high-end consoles, every couple of years. The average studio need something that will last and most of that ain't any digital stuff as the new stuff was virtually obsolete, yesterday.
Even Rupert thinks is new stuff is way better than my old mid-1970s desk he made. But what is it that most people want? It's his old stuff and not so much his new stuff. Which means better isn't necessarily better unless you think it's better. And most people don't think that much is better than an old transistorized Neve or API, still to this day and with good reason. So I even feel those Seventh Circle Audio, Warm Audio and other vintage and affordable re-creations will continue to be a cottage industry as it always has been. And where folks can reap the benefits of that solid, transformer coupled, all transistor sound as nothing really compares. Because better is only better if it's better for you. We all have our personal preference of the underwear we wear and the same goes for our audio stuff. Old stuff isn't necessarily bad and new stuff isn't necessarily good. There will always be the good with the bad at any price point. C'est la vie.
Life would be much better if I had more business or any business for that matter.
Mx. Remy Ann David
Well, the fact that they are giving this software away is a test
Well, the fact that they are giving this software away is a testament in itself isn't it? In the world of software, older isn't better. Apparently, it's worthless. So, in that sense , I am functionally bankrupt as a far as recording is concerned and the hardware I do have could be bought with a case of beer.
I think they wouldn't be giving it away if it functioned perfect
I think they wouldn't be giving it away if it functioned perfectly with current generations of computer hardware. They felt it just wasn't worth the resources on their end to authorize legal copies and they haven't patched anything in it since 2005. CS6 has finally implemented an update scenario like modern software as well as (since CS5.5) rewriting it's source code which is why it runs so much faster and minimally than 3.01 and earlier. It isn't as streamlined as Reaper but it is also a significantly fuller featured package.
TheJackAttack, post: 399048 wrote: I think they wouldn't be givi
Yeah. I was just having a bit of fun. One mans trash is another's treasure or so they say. It's still brand new to me and it works. There are some tools in there that look handy though, I'm not entirely sure they are any better than the tools I already have. For the price, it's awesome.