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Was on 10.5, and upgraded to 11 today - upgrading went badly - the elicenser has managed to delete my 10.5 licence and failed putting on 11, so now I can't use any version of Cubase and I have jobs to do. I hope it's at Steinberg's end with everyone trying to do the same thing, but at the moment, I'm sunk!

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kmetal Wed, 11/11/2020 - 17:55

Oh geez. Ive seen alot of people in the last year or two having issues with cubase. Performance (cpu usage) concerns, odd upgrade and latency things too. This is uncharacteristic of Cubase since it was generally a very solid program.

Sorry i can't help, but i hope it gets sorted out quickly.

paulears Thu, 11/12/2020 - 11:30

I got an email from the Steinberg Boss - their authorisation servers melted down, far more people bought the upgrade than the servers could cope with. He's promised nobody's licences lost and they've stopped selling Cubase 11 until everything sorts itself out. Mine is now running fine - but what a mess. For what it's worth, it's really good and the new features I'll use seem to work as advertised. They simply didn't expect the rush they got to upgrade, and nobody realised the authorisation servers were at their limit.

Tony Carpenter Sat, 11/14/2020 - 00:14

kmetal, post: 465980, member: 37533 wrote: Glad to hear you guys got things handled fairly fast and easy. I didn't know about the vocal remove function, sounds awesome.

I believe that’s using spectral layers. I have the full version of that. Not something I’ll ever likely use often but cool feature. One thing that seems to be a ongoing push is more and more loop based crud.. oh well. Logic Pro X just included Novation surface support in 10.6.

paulears Sat, 11/14/2020 - 07:11

I was faced with a huge list of extras to download, so I dumped everything that was dance music based loopy stuff. I'm just not interested in music of that kind - lots of loop sounds too. I must admit I wonder if people who use it get rights grief on Youtube? One of the questions you get on uploading with Distrokids is "Does this music contain samples? Youtube get cross" or something similar. If you get your stuff put onto Youtube, it's clever algorithm might detect the samples as other people's music. I've put up one of my pieces using a VSTi with a girl's waily voice to see. It consists of loads of pre-recorded phrases you blend together, but I wonder if it will spot that they appear in lots of people's music? We'll see.

kmetal Sat, 11/14/2020 - 18:49

Makzimia, post: 465990, member: 48344 wrote: I believe that’s using spectral layers. I have the full version of that. Not something I’ll ever likely use often but cool feature. One thing that seems to be a ongoing push is more and more loop based crud.. oh well. Logic Pro X just included Novation surface support in 10.6.

Spectralayers was my main reason for upgrading to Samplitude proX5. Its supossed to be top notch. Not sure how it compares to the built in spectral editing which was fantastic, or izotope RX which has become a standard in the restoration world.

I encourage you to exolore it, check some vids on it. Its brilliant for string squeaks sssses, all sorts of odd stuff. Its very much like photoshop for audio. It can be so transparent.

paulears, post: 466003, member: 47782 wrote: I was faced with a huge list of extras to download, so I dumped everything that was dance music based loopy stuff. I'm just not interested in music of that kind - lots of loop sounds too. I must admit I wonder if people who use it get rights grief on Youtube? One of the questions you get on uploading with Distrokids is "Does this music contain samples? Youtube get cross" or something similar. If you get your stuff put onto Youtube, it's clever algorithm might detect the samples as other people's music. I've put up one of my pieces using a VSTi with a girl's waily voice to see. It consists of loads of pre-recorded phrases you blend together, but I wonder if it will spot that they appear in lots of people's music? We'll see.

Lol here's some free loops you can't use! I seem to recall some samples i bought say i can't use them to create my own sample packs. I think bfd or slate drums maybe?

Loops can be cool instead of a click track when writing music, or just for messing with pluggins. It always feels like "cheating" to me to just drag and drop and leave it as is, but I'm making a concerted effort to expand my musical pallete. After various forms of "band music" gtr drums bass ect, since i started guitar in the mid 90's, i feel its worthwile to expand and explore more electronically based mixing and writing styles. There's soul in some of that stuff too.

Ive had a bit of fun playing around with reasons stock loops. Tempo adjustments, REX loop chopping, sound replacement, ect. Its fun if not particularly fruitful as a finished project.

Cubase has always had a strong foothold in the midi composition arena.

People say PT is very limited in that area, since its the only midi sequencer ive used beside reason, i don't know the difference. Ive been meaning to get around to learning about what makes cubase preferred so often for that.

paulears Sat, 11/14/2020 - 23:43

I’m sure PT is much better now but when I was Principal Examiner for Music Technology in the embryonic 90’s PT was dreadful in the MIDI department. It’s feature set was way behind Cubase and Logic. Cubase’s MIDI tweaking was far in advance of PT but Pro Tools users had better audio handling. Cubase is so capable but complicated in the MIDI mangling department I’ve noticed every user has a totally different way of using it, which is great when you suddenly discover a feature you would have died for 10 years ago, then discover it’s been there for 15!