I'm looking for a good mic at around 200 to 300$ for vocals (with westernguitar sound). I don't have the chance to try out several mics so I'm tied to get recommendations from a forum.
I've read several topics and I think that I'm looking for a dynamic mic because it's more robust and easier to handle. I'm specially interested in these ones:
Audix OM6 or OM7
Sennheiser e945
Shure Beta 58
EV ND967
Can anybody give me some experiences, recommendations/dissuasions to these mics. Are there any better mics for the money? My voice is not tenor and not bass - somewhere in the middle.
I would really be glad if someone could help me to get the right mic.
My Audix OM6 sounds alot like a Shure SM57, but with less low en
My Audix OM6 sounds alot like a Shure SM57, but with less low end. It's Good for live use and the studio. It's a great vocal mic and sounds grand on guitar as well. I have owned mine for 4 or 5 years now. All in all a great mic for the price. I bought the Audix OM6, after buying and returning an EV mic that really, really sucked. What a pile of dung that was.
That's the only mic you listed that I own
I've tried out all of 'em except for the EV. All of the other
I've tried out all of 'em except for the EV.
All of the others are good mics, and it is seriously going to come down you trying them all out to find your personal preference.
The Audix OM6 is great, as is the Beta58. The Audix OM7 was spec
The Audix OM6 is great, as is the Beta58. The Audix OM7 was specifically designed with a lower sensitivity to withstand a wall of sound coming at it....that really doesn't sound like your situation, so let's skip that puppy. I agree with SC that the E-V is a pile...I love my RE20s, and there have been a lot of great E-Vs over the course of time, just not the N/D series.
Then we get to the Sennheiser. I've seen many fans of that mic on this website. More power to them. Not mois, baby! I love my 421s and the 441 is awesome, but their handhelds....well, they just don't seem to hold up like the Shures and the Audix do, IMHO...