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Hi people

I want get a small, inexpensive (emphisis here) recording setup going. I got a nice sounding studio (with seperate control room), a good sound card (yes I'm using a computer) and good mics. But I need a mixing desk - i hate mixing on computer.

Ok I know this will sound lame to you recording enthusiasts (sp?): but how does the Behringer eurodesk mx2442A (or similar) sound? Does any1 maby have an mp3 of a recording with one of these desks please? I really need to hear the quality.

By the way I'm mixing drums, guitar, bass, vocals etc (the usual)

thanks :)

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Davedog Thu, 10/23/2003 - 11:01

Theres a behringer on the tech bench...I looked at a lot of the site and it appears to be 'recording in a prison' kinda place. Theres an incredible amount of tube gear...lots of Altec comps and a couple of the Altec mixers...i saw a concertone pre...thats part of an old mono recorder...other unidentifiable the recorders...and the least he stopped shouting....The ring in that place has got to be tremendous.AND i'm the funniest person on the freekin planet! ;)

tripnek Sat, 10/25/2003 - 05:17

Back to the original subject, IMHO if you have a descent digital system on a computer (i.e. Pro-Tools, Nuendo, ect...) You will get far better sound quality and flexibility by doing your mix on the computer. It takes a pretty good chunk of change to buy a mixer that will out do the possibilities of todays digital world.
You would be furhter ahead to use the money you were saving for the mixer and buy a good mic preamp/DI to improve the quality of the signal on the way in.

Just my 2 cents

P.S. I used Crapinger crap for a few months when I started out recording. That is until it started falling apart and then the last straw when I actually heard what real gear sounds like.

anonymous Tue, 10/28/2003 - 19:50

Regarding unapproved or negative reviews, RO does not allow unapproved reviews. That is my policy and I intend to stick to it. I will not publish any negative reviews of any equipment. If the gear isn’t good, I simply do not write or publish articles about it. There is far too much good gear to write about to waste time on crap gear.

Regarding unapproved or negative reviews, RO does not allow unapproved reviews. That is my policy and I intend to stick to it. I will not publish any negative reviews of any equipment. If the gear isn’t good, I simply do not write or publish articles about it. There is far too much good gear to write about to waste time on crap gear.

anonymous Thu, 11/06/2003 - 13:31

I have a few pieces of Berry gear, and have some experience of other Berry items, and while I think some of their gear does the job, with a couple of items even doing a pretty good job, I don’t think anyone should be under the illusion that for the most part, the gear is anything but entry-level. And, some of their gear is not fit for the purpose intended.

That said; I understand that the newer UB Series Berry mixers are considerably better than the MX Series.

Personally, I’m more inclined to look at the Phonic offerings than the Berry, and if Berry really is using forced labour, I will definitely avoid ALL their products in future. YMMV.


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