I'm recording a heavy rock band live in a rehearsal hall. We only have it for alimited amount of time this Saturday. It's going to be a 12 song live work tape. The band's real tight so that's going to make it real eazy. But the drummer is a real cymbal basher. This is going to be a frist for me,(recording a extremely hard playing drummer) . What would be a good choice of OH's to use on a cymbal basher. Anything eles that I might need to know before going in to this.
I love cymbal bashers!!! They're only one evolutionary step abo
I love cymbal bashers!!! They're only one evolutionary step above chucking their poo at you during tracking!
When I get the fortunate pleasure of working with primates like this, I like to do a M/S setup using ribbons in front of the kit. You would be surprised how cool a kit can sound when done this way.
The ribbons also help to tame Bo-bo the drummer a little bit.
Cheers -
I love cymbal bashers!!! They're only one evolutionary step abo
I love cymbal bashers!!! They're only one evolutionary step above chucking their poo at you during tracking!
When I get the fortunate pleasure of working with primates like this, I like to do a M/S setup using ribbons in front of the kit. You would be surprised how cool a kit can sound when done this way.
The ribbons also help to tame Bo-bo the drummer a little bit.
Cheers -
This is definitely not my frist time recording live drums, but i
This is definitely not my frist time recording live drums, but it is a cymbal basher....................
I will be mic'ing the entire kit. Rather large kit on top of that. All I ever use for OH's live is small diaphragm condensers. I have SM 81's and Oktava MK-012 and Studio Projects C4's to choose from for my OH's. I should of stated that in the frist post.
Cucco wrote............
"chucking their poo at you during tracking! "
"Bo-bo the drummer "
Now that is funny! I just might try your M/S set up with ribbons also. I'll just have to borrow them from the friend that I'm doing the work for. This rehearsal hall sounds great, I've recorded their before. I was going to use room mic's anyway.
Thanks for the reply's..........
Use condensor microphones, unless you're just using OH's to mic
Use condensor microphones, unless you're just using OH's to mic the drums in which case I would not mic above the kit I would point the microphones from a distance at certain drums....like put one mic facing between the hihats, snare and kick, then the other microphone on the other end between the ride cymbal and toms
but if you plan on mic'ing a whole kit, it won't matter which you use just use condensor microphones, spaced or XY pair'd (in your case since it's your first time, space pair them one on the left over hats and first crash, and one on the right over ride and second crash)....then use gates on the toms and you're set