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I posted a poll that is aimed to gather research for my dissertation last week. However I am a little concerned over the validity of the answers as I posted it on more than one room and I think people may have voted more than once.

My dissertation looks at if computer based DAWs have effected commercial music production and how.

I would really like to get some statistics for my work and so would like to continue with my idea of a poll.

Therefore to ensure I get accurate results I would like to email the questions to people - to ensure that people only vote once.

If you would be kind enough to help me could you email me at and I will send you the questions.

I would really appreciate your help as I feel I need at least 50 responses in order to use the information I gather for statistics.

I should also add that my dissertation is geared towards the commercial music industry and therefore I really need to get my results from professionals rather than hobbyists.



P.S. I have posted this request in several of the forums in order to get as many responses as possible – so you need only answer one of these requests.
