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I'm having a dilemma and I hope someone here can help me with it.

First let me tell you what the plan is, I want to record my guitar,
keyboard, bass, some vocals, samples and maybe some drums. And
bring the recordings to my pc to edit them.

Then what I currently have:
-pc 3ghz on windows xp
with soundblaster live
-powerbook 1,5ghz on mac os 10.4
with standard soundinterface
-powermac g3 400mhz on mac os 9.2.2
with KORG 1212 I/O - Multi-channel Audio Recording Interface Card

I was planning to use the powermac just for audio purposes and a
while ago I bought a second hand Korg soundcard from a friend.

But I didn't really thougt about how I was going to record. I heard
that it's possible to connect a ADAT interface witch allows you to
connect jack plugs and xls plugs lik a Behringer - ADA 8000.

But I'm in doubt, is this a good way to record? Can the powermac
take the stress? And is there a good audio recording program for
mac os 9.2.2?

Or is it better to forget about the mac or the Korg card and buy a
usb/firewire interface. I saw the Tascam US-122.

Or is a complete stand alone interface the best option? Like a Zoom
MRS 1044?

My needs:
-I don't need a lot of channels but 2 is the minimum, 4 would be
great when recording drums. I'm not recording everything at once
but with drums it's nice to have a couple of mics.
-It doesn't have to be very small/portable.
-The recordings are always going to a pc for audio editing and stuff.
-And it would be nice if I could use the old mac, but if that's not
going to do the job then not.
-And my budget is max 400€/500$ and I don't mind if stuff is second

I hope someone give me some advice on this cause the guy I spoke
in the local music store doesn't know that much.

Thanks in advance.


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