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i thought i saw somewhere that there were
new fastlane drivers for this
true? i'd love to get it working.

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Opus2000 Wed, 05/30/2001 - 07:35

If there was to be Win2k drivers for it I wouldnt expect it very soon...MOTU is notorious for not making any new drivers at all!! Personally I think their support needs to be beefed up if they expect to stay in this industry as well as they have been. The only Win2k drivers they have are public beta drivers for the PIC 324..and that has been like that for several months now..unfortunatley they are a mac based company who marketed for PC's because they saw an opportunity to do so and make more money..there's a ton of holes in their drivers for PC's and their brains if you ask me..most of their concentration is really on Digital Performer.


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