Greetings all. I was wondeirng if my laptop, an 1.42 Ghz G4 with 512 RAM (which I'll probably upgrade to 1.5 gigs ram), would be able to handle a Firepod? And, if so, what sort of audio programs does the Firepod work with that this computer can take? Logic Pro? Garageband (obviously)?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
I have been using Garageband. It is simple and all I need at the
I have been using Garageband. It is simple and all I need at the moment. My intent with the Firepod is to use it for recording my drum kit. So far I have only been using it for stereo recording until I build up a bigger collection of mic's. My GB songs have consisted of about 5-6 tracks, and so far I've not had any problems. One thing I would recommend is to get an external firewire hard drive that runs at the faster rpm's. I record directly to the external drive, and things are working fine for me.
Hope that helps.
As long as the drivers are good, you should be OK. Also check t
As long as the drivers are good, you should be OK.
Also check the forums at Probably more info than you want, but not necessarily more than you need :shock: for user respones.