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Hello, I'm just looking for some suggestions on choices of mixers. I am currently recording with Logic on the computer, and was wondering what would be a good 16/24 input/direct out mixer of choice. I'm looking to spend around $500. I want a warm analog sound, no mackies. Any help would be awesome! thanks

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anonymous Fri, 04/14/2006 - 08:21


i use a 24 channel Soundtracs Topaz for the same set up as youre going for, and I just did a grueling session for the last 6 days. I have to say, these are some of the nice recordings ive ever done in regards to warmth. i never thought an all analog front end would introduce such warmth, but alas, it has!

i use it with a MOTU 24 i/o into DP. DP's learning curve is a bit rough considering im a PT user for 8 years.

try and find a Soundcraft 200b series, or a topaz like mine. you wont regret it.


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