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We have a community room in a apt. building that is 42x28. They have a need to play the tv in the room and also want 2 wireless microphones. My thought was a crown 180MC amp with 70 volt ceiling speakers. How many speakers, what kind is best. Any thoughts on microphones, my thought was AKG..Thanks for your help...Dan

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Boswell Thu, 02/17/2011 - 04:58

I can't find any mention of a [[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.crownaud…"]Crown[/]="http://www.crownaud…"]Crown[/] 180MC amp on the Web, but isn't this an 80W single-channel unit? I may be wrong, but if it is that, it's underpowered for the size of room, and you are compromising the material you can play by not fitting at least a 2-channel (stereo) unit.

You don't need to go for 70V or 100V line speakers for this size of system, and you just reduce the available set of commercial speakers to choose from.

AKG, AT, Shure or Sennheiser radio mics are fine if that is what you want, but where in the world are you? Check on the allowed frequency ranges in your location both now and what is proposed before you comit to purchase. Put a Shure SM58 with stand and cable in the equipment cupboard as well for the times that you forgot to get new batteries for the wireless units.

dvdhawk Thu, 02/17/2011 - 15:20

[[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.crownaud…"]Crown 180MA[/]="http://www.crownaud…"]Crown 180MA[/] maybe?
4-input, 80-watt, mono mixer/amplifier, 70v constant voltage system.
Fine for propagation of background music and paging - not at all well suited for high-fidelity foreground music (TV) or the dynamics of live-music production.

How high is the ceiling? (ceiling speakers throw in a conical pattern - straight down obviously - ceiling height is a primary concern)


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