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I have an mbox and I'm trying to send a beat I made on my MPC 4000 and when I do the signal is real weak. To hear it I have to turn the gain way up. THis of course results in my other audio tracks that are from my internal hard drive to be way too loud. Any information will e very helpful. I have both the left and right signal coming from the MPC into the 1 and 2 source inputs behind the MBOX. any help will be greatly appreciatted. Thanks


anonymous Fri, 01/21/2005 - 05:33

Also, dont know if the MPC pushes out +4 or -10 but i have a 002R and when i'm recording a source that is too low the best thing to is flip the switch on the back of the 002 down to -10. But i dont know if the MBOX has this feature. Also, How much gain are you getting? in Digital audio you dont need to be too hot. as long as your getting somewhere within the top 12 db you should have a fully usable signal. granted the waveforms wont look as nice but it will be just as clean


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