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I've got a recording with some heavy clipping, and I was wondering if anyone knows of a tool that can fix it in any way. Something that would calculate what is missing of the wave and try to regenerate it or something like that... i said.. a magical solution :?


anonymous Fri, 09/09/2005 - 06:09

Do you mean you have digital overs or digital clips or do you mean you have complete drop outs in sound? If the dropout or jitter is for a very very short time (one wave) you may be able to draw the wave in if you have a program like wavelab. If its something like a dropout or clip in a drum track, try copying a previous, good hit and paste it - replacing the dropped out section. Without knowing what exactly is wrong its hard to offer any advice that will do any good. Reply with more information.

JoeH Fri, 09/09/2005 - 12:22

Samplitude/Sequoia has a "Declipping" plug-in that sometimes works magic. Other times, not.

It seems to work better on 24 bit recordings, but occasionally I've been able to fix 16 bit stuff just as well. It all depends on where the clipping originated; it seems to also prefer digital clipping, and it doesn't do analog clipping very well. Anything that gets creamed at the very front - the preamp - is usually gone for good, in most cases.

How big is your file, what is the format, and what kind of problems are you experiencing?