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Hi guys,

I am looking to get a JLM Baby Animal preamp, I have read a lot of positive things about it in forums.

I will be using it to record vocals for my hard rock band, where I am attempting to achieve a fat and warm sound. Ultimately would like as much gain as possible .

I see there is an option for a OEP262A3C and JLM14 input transformers, i have no idea what the differences are between the two.

Just wondering if anyone out there that has tested both these out can tell me what to expect.



Kev Fri, 07/04/2008 - 16:39

just email Joe
use the forum and get an answer from Matt or Joe

I've used the OEP and it probably has a warmer sound to the very clean JLM14 ... which I haven't used
but I have used some early prototypes in a 99V board as the BA was about them

the way the input transformer is loaded can change the sound
... talk to Joe

I know the following info was directed at the Neve styled unit
but there may be some info to help you with the choice

you need to try these things to know the sound


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