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Hi, I'm thinking of purchasing a new soundcard...external usb, because right now I'm just using my standard sound card with a 1/8 to 1/4 cable going from the card to my mixer. Im looking for cheap one, but will increase the quality. I saw this one, I was trying to get any opinions on it

M Audio Fastrack

link removed

If not this one, then could someone point me to a good quality external sound card, that is usb and has 1/4's in it. and is fairly cheap

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anonymous Sun, 09/25/2005 - 22:38

M-Audio Delta 66

Hi Cactapus,

I just bought the Delta 66 M-Audio card with the breakout box. It's supposed to be great, yet it's not very user friendly if you have a Mac like me. It's 6 in - 6 out (2 digital input/output - note, SPDIF digital, not coaxial!). Anyway, none of my audio software will pick up any more than 2 in 2 out using the analog breakout box....I've configured the Delta 66 mixer too, and updated the drivers and still no more than 2 I don't know, the tracks I've so far recorded sound lovely in 24 bit, but it would be nice to have the 6 in 6 out like M-Audio promised, and a manual for OS X users!

shame....shame M-Audio....I don't know, for the price, it's prob worth it, but I hope you get all your channels working, if you're a PC user, you prob won't have a problem.

jo :cry:

RemyRAD Mon, 09/26/2005 - 22:46

Your cheap soundcard is adequate. A better soundcard will set you back more $ but will sound, well, a little better to a lot better. The most important thing to remember on the cheap soundcard is that their inputs overload easily. Make sure your computers line level input is set to about 2 Thirds The Way up. Then adjust the output of your microphone preamplifier or, mixer down so as not to overload the cheap soundcard input. Microphone gain should not be over pushed either..

anonymous Thu, 10/06/2005 - 01:59



I'm not overloading the inputs, the whole problem is, CuBase SX and all my other audio programs are only picking up 2 inputs on a 6 input card, even before I begin recording, and I've tried changing the preferences and messing with the M-Audio mixer...still only 2. I want to record 4 analog inputs live to cubase, that's my wish and I did pay for a 6 in 6 out M-Audio card to do just that. So I don't know what's going on...I also just upgraded to Tiger (10.4.2) and all my drivers..still the same thing.



Reggie Thu, 10/06/2005 - 16:32

On the M-audio mixer, it doesn't show that you have signal on all your inputs (if you are running signal into them)? If you have signal there, you just have to go back into Cubase, VST connections, and add input bus. I think that will take care of it. Now you just select which of the inputs you want to record on your track.

If you aren't seeing signal on the M-audio mixer meter, then something is wrong with your source or cables or something.

anonymous Thu, 10/06/2005 - 17:36

M-Audio and Cubase

I'm having a problem with adding input buses. The only thing I found reading the acrobat manual was "The number of buses depends on your audio hardware". I'm guessing the Mac set up is fairly different from windows...more like user un-friendly. My VST inputs and outputs only pick up in 1 and in 2. I have no idea how to add buses in Cubase SX on OS X, it's stereo and that's it.




Reggie Thu, 10/06/2005 - 19:12

How can you blame your lack of understanding on the software?
I'll see if I can help....
I have SX2 for windows, and the info you are looking for is on page 14 of the pdf manual. I don't know if this is much different for Mac
I go to Devices, Device Setup, VST Multitrack on the left menu, select the Delta ASIO driver in the dropdown menu to the right. Now Select VST Inputs from the right menu and make sure you have all of your inputs visible. You can check out your VST Outputs too if you like. Hit OK on this menu.
Now go to Devices-->VST Connections. Click the Input tab to view your inputs. Click Add Bus to add a bus for channels 3 & 4, and for the Digital Ins if you like. Now you can go to your track and select any of your inputs. Hopefully this is all similar on Mac.

anonymous Thu, 10/06/2005 - 22:54

M-Audio & Cu-base

Here's what i get when I open up Devices in OS X, I have a list which reads (In order):

MIDI Device Manager
Mixer 2
Plug-In Information
Reason Adapted M-Audio Express
True Tape
VST Inputs
VST Instruments
VST Master Effects
VST Master Setup
VST Outputs
VST Performance
VST Send Effects

Now, I have selcted the Delta 66 as the ASIO driver when I first installed Cubase, so that's fine. When I select VST Inputs, it looks a bit like this:

Port Active Label
Delta 66L + (square In 1
active box) In 2
Delta 66 R

There's no option of dragging out the box or hitting ok, we're talking Mac much as I love them, they're often too user friendly and the software has limited options.

So I don't have an option called 'VST Connections', and can't find any input tabs to add bus to channels. It really does suck a big one to be honest and I may have to take it to a Mac music expert.



Reggie Fri, 10/07/2005 - 07:50

WHat's under "VST Master Setup" ? That would be my first guess to look if I were you. You just need to find where to add your additional input buseses.
That VST Inputs window you found won't allow you to add your other inputs, but you can turn the ones you have added on and off if you don't use them later. Keep looking, you'll find it. There can't be that many places it can hide.

anonymous Tue, 10/11/2005 - 02:00

Delta 66 and Mac OS X

Hi again Reggie,

After stumbling round in the dark for the past month i decided to do some research on OS X and multi-channel audio. It turns out, I only needed to adjust the input settings in ther MIDI Audio mixer settings under Utilities on my mac. It was hiding there all along...although Cubase still didn't pick up more VST inputs than stereo, Logic pro picked up all my inputs (all 6) no problems.

It pays to research mac audio people and the operating system you own...and have some decent software.

thanks again

