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Just thought I'd drop a note letting you guys know that apple is switching to x86 processors, they are saying the transition should begin by next year and be done in 2007. This of course means that every piece of software written for OSX will have to be recomplied to work on x86.

Breaking News that will have a huge impact on not only the mac vs pc battle, but possibly a bigger impact on pro audio and video.


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maintiger Mon, 06/06/2005 - 17:02

KungFuLio wrote: [quote=McCheese]I was getting ready to buy a new G5 and run DP.

DP is so broken on OSX that I quit using it!

... and this is after being with DP since 1.6

I am running DP 4.52 in Tiger 10.41 (on a G5) and its great- you should try it again- i figure that whatever happens my G5 should last me 2-3 years at least so am not too broken up about the switch. 8)
Of course if I hadn't bought the g5 already i might have second thoghts...

anonymous Tue, 06/07/2005 - 15:26

maintiger wrote: [quote=KungFuLio][quote=McCheese]I was getting ready to buy a new G5 and run DP.

DP is so broken on OSX that I quit using it!

... and this is after being with DP since 1.6

I am running DP 4.52 in Tiger 10.41 (on a G5) and its great- you should try it again- i figure that whatever happens my G5 should last me 2-3 years at least so am not too broken up about the switch. 8)
Of course if I hadn't bought the g5 already i might have second thoghts...

I'd love to go back. I've been running crashless (knocks on wood) for a yaer and a half on an HD system, and me and my clients like that a lot. But I miss DP. I try it after every update, so it's quite possible I'm missing something in my setup.

Dual 800 G4 1.5mB RAM SYS 10.3.8

PM Me if you you have ideas or something beyond Unicornation. I think trying all the ideas submitted there has just made things worse.

McCheese Tue, 06/07/2005 - 15:40

Someday wrote: Not moving, just revealing.
OSX was always running on Intel, ... BY DESIGN!

Right, but it still requires a recompile, which makes me wonder how long it will take all the software companies to start making (relatively) bug free audio software. They've got two years if they start now, which I'm sure they are, but it's still questionable. x86 architecture is a mess compared to PPC.

I'm just waiting for prices on ppc g5's to plummet now, since not as many people will be willing to buy one now, they'll have to do something to encourage sales.

maintiger Tue, 06/07/2005 - 16:14

McCheese wrote: [I'm just waiting for prices on ppc g5's to plummet now, since not as many people will be willing to buy one now, they'll have to do something to encourage sales.

Don't count on it- So far apple has held on to the same prices for years- $3000- $2500- $2000 People that need the G5 will still buy them- however, new sales might not be so hot-
I just got a Dual 2.0 G5 and its great- definitely a keeper for the next 2-3 years. I also got an ibook for remote recording so am all set- wintel can go to hell (for now anyway :lol: )

maintiger Tue, 06/07/2005 - 16:20


I am running the latest, DP 4.52 and Tiger 10.41 on a dual 2.0 G5 and its the most stable DP I've ever ran- Even atmosphere runs in AU with no issues, contrary to all the fuzz we hear about it in Unicornation. i am pretty happy about it. the only thing i miss is that my old dual 867 g4 held up to 4 hard drives while the new G5 only takes 2- With all my VI's and programs that takes care of one drive already. The second one (250 GB) I partition in 3 parts. One has DFHS and soundtrack w/26 GB of loops (that took care of that) the other 2 partitions have my files. Of course I have firewire drives for back up but i do miss all the hard drive real state in the G4

McCheese Tue, 06/07/2005 - 16:28

I work on a dual 2.0 G5 at my day job (print house). It's nice, very nice. That's what I was looking at getting. And you're right about it being quiet. Although have you ever heard it when the OS isn't controlling the fan? it sounds like a jet taking off.

I already have the iBook, I planned on doing the same thing with it, using it with an 896HD for mobile stuff.

anonymous Tue, 06/07/2005 - 17:13

from what i gather the intel chips mac will be using - will be basically a whole new chip built to mac specification..

the point about switching to intel is because IBM are concentrating too much on console stuff, and are unwilling to expand the PPC line of chips.

intel chips run cooler so expect some crazy powerbook speeds..

also - if you payed attention to the keynote speech... all apps written for PPC chips will run on Intel already what with the Rosetta program which translates all the code for IBM chips for intel chips.. but new releases/updates will have to be written for the new chips using Xcode 2.1 - and shouldn't take that long to do.

you would expect apple to have been working on all its pro apps for the intel chips for some time now too (if they have been for OSX for the last 5 years it's highly plausable) so hopefully all us Logic users won't have too much to complain about.

-just my 2cents

McCheese Tue, 06/07/2005 - 17:30

I paid attention to the Rosetta part, but to run something as intensive as DAW software through that and expect useable results is a joke. It would be like trying to run Acid in OSX using Virtual PC. The latency would be horrendous, and I expect crashes would abound, especially when multitracking.

I'm sure it will work fine for Word and other less intensive programs, but not for our needs.