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All I can say is...


Mbox 2? More like POS 2!

MIDI and DI does not an innovation make. Keeping it stuck at 48kHz doesn't help either. What a rip-off.

And it is ugly as hell. I'm glad I still have the original design.

I really thought it would be more like the Saffire. Looks like Focusrite will be getting my money instead.

Will Digi ever make any decent hardware besides the HD line?


What a bunch of uber-douches...


iznogood Sat, 09/03/2005 - 04:24

i think it's pretty... but boring :lol:

i don't give a f*** about midi... my midikeyboard has usb...

but i don't give a f*** about 96 either.... cd is 44.1..... and sample rate conversion sucks...... so i don't care if the make the mbox 3 with 384kHz...

back to the drawing board digi....

the thing that needs redoing is the core audio driver.... it renderes digi hardware almost useless with everything but protools....

Kev Mon, 09/05/2005 - 03:58

I know the midi I/O may not seem much but some people will like it

MORE importantly it now has the input feature of the old AMIII card

Four simultaneous inputs and outputs with analog and digital I/O*

* Four simultaneous inputs require two channels of digital input plus two analog channels.

at least that will keep a few more people happy


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