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Hi, forgive my terminology, just starting my dive into music/composition.

I am not particularly interested in recording capabilities of software,
but rather the possibility of using midi samples to make music from scratch completely on the computer. I am wonder what software is available for such purposes, and what would be good to start with (past the crap quality of guitarpro).
I saw that Cubase sx 3.0 has such capability, but the 800 dollar pricetag scared me. If it is what it takes I will go there, but if there are cheaper still effective options availabe, it would be great to know.
Quality of samples does matter :-).

Thanks for your time folks.


anonymous Fri, 03/10/2006 - 00:26

If you don't intend to incorporate recorded tracks at all, maybe Propellerhead Reason is the way you should go. It comes chock full of numerous soft synths, a sampler, drum modules, processing effects -- and the ability to mix all of this stuff and output digital audio files. It's a good app for pop, dance or electronic genres.

Myself, I use MOTU Digital Performer to create MIDI-driven compositions for tv. It's a great app for MIDI stuff, but you need to purchase all virtual instruments and samplers a la carte.