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Hi? I've been trying to solve this problem for long enough and I'm close to giving up. Here goes. I am trying to sync my Akai MPC 2000 XL, my keyboard, and Nuendo through midi( MTC at 30 fps and midi clock). My aI'm is to record one track at a time on Nuendo, record one track( like a kick drum) then go back and record another( like a snare) so they all are on seperate tracks. I have no aftermarket midi device, just my ST Audio DSP 2000 C-Port which has one midi in and 2 midi outs, this is what I use to try and sync. The problem is through the many months of trying drivers, tweaking my OS to death, upgrading, using the latest drivers, etc etc, I still can not get my final product to sync perfectly and sound like the original track. I have tried the orignal Win 2k drivers for the C-port all the way to the beta 7 r3 drivers and all in between. Problem still unsolved. I have my buffers as high as they can go and I still lose sync and get occasional pops/clicks. I have tried Win 2k pro and Win XP pro and I can't find a setup that does what I need. Is it me? Is it the C-Port? Is it the drivers? Is it Nuendo? What is it? I need help asap b/c i have sessions to run and albums to produce and if this problem isn't solved soon ST Audio and Steinberg will be losing a dedicated customer. THX

My Setup is as follows:
OS- Win 2k Pro or Win XP pro
Processor- AMD Athlon 700 mhz
Ram- 768 mb ram
Harddrive- System- 9 gig Audio- 80 gig
Nuendo version 1.52
Motherboard- Giga-Byte GA 7IXE
Graphics card- Nvidia GeForce 2 GTS
ST Audio DSP 2000 C-Port


Nate Tschetter Sun, 04/07/2002 - 10:50


All I have is a $.02 answer.

I would:

Make Nuendo/sound card master sync

Have everything else slave to it

Try setting buffers lower

Send the sync down a dedicated cable. Send everything else down a different cable.

If you can't have a dedicated cable for sync, use MIDI beat clock intead of MTC. MTC is very bandwidth intensive and _could_ bog down your MIDI stream.

Call Steinberg tech support.

Nate Tschetter Mon, 04/08/2002 - 10:35


Well, I think traditionally, lower buffer size = lower latency when monitoring. However, if you're having a bevy of problems, it might help to check out every possibility, even a seemingly unrelated one.

Here's a question...can you record _any_ non-sync'ed audio without Nuendo clicking and snatting?

Sometimes video cards screw things up. A friend's NVidia card rendered his TC PowerCore unusable. Nutty.