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I need to know the format the recordings are on, and see the track sheets. I don't want pictures of the original tracksheet, just a list of the tracks and their original names. If it's called Fred's psychadealic guitar then that's what I want to see.

Do not include mix notes. That sort of defeats the purpose.

You should list your tracks in a post, like this.

1. Kik
2. Snare
3. Overhead L
4. Kazoo
5. Overhead R
6. Fred's psycho guitar


Yes, I don't know why anyone would put the kazoo track between the overheads either, but I've seen it all, believe me.

Again, inform us of the multitrack format that the song is currently on. i.e. Protools, 2", DA88, etc...




anonymous Thu, 08/30/2001 - 23:15


The UFO song is currently in PC/VST format.

Tracks as follows:

Kick Inside
Kick Outside
Snare Top
Snare Bottom
Tom 1
Tom 2
Guitar 1 verse
Guitar 1 verse dub
Guitar 1 corus
Guitar 1 crous dub
Guitar 2 strange hammer on pull off verse effect
Guitar 2 corus
Guitar 2 corus dub
Guitar 2 Lead
Lead Vocal
Stereo track with cheasy drumloop

(20 tracks total)

See ya

anonymous Thu, 08/30/2001 - 23:47

Blatchford: [=""]Stream[/]="http://www.ilyamusi…"]Stream[/] [[url=http://="http://www.ilyamusi…"]Download[/]="http://www.ilyamusi…"]Download[/]

.wav files recorded on the tascam mx2424

1. Kick
2. Snare
3. OH
4. OH
5. Crash cymbal
6. Mono drum room
7&8. Stereo drum machine (ending)
9. Bass guitar/distorted bass
10. Delayed chimes
12&13. "Violin" sounding keys
14&15. Rhodes
16. Smooth synth bed keys
17. More resonant synth bed keys
18. Delayed/distorted lead keys (middle)
19. Guitar
20. Sub bass
22. Main vocals
24. Male background vocals

(21 tracks total)

Mixerman Fri, 08/31/2001 - 23:10

I don't know why Fucherface (great name BTW) put this in the voting thread. He (gotta be he, although She's the Man...hmmm) should be disqualified for this, but I'll give him another chance.

Aren't you all glad I'm not your Dad?

She's The Man

24 bit/48khz on Pro Tools with SDII files.

1. Kick
2. Sn
3. Hat
4. Rack
5. Floor
6. OL
7. OR
8. Room
9. Room
10. Kick
11. Sn
12. Hat
13. Rack
14. Floor
15. OL
16. OR
17. Room
18. Bass DI
19. Bass Amp
20. Piano
21. Synth
22. Gtr 1
23. Gtr Dark Double
24. Gtr 2
25. Chorus Gtr 1
26. Chorus Gtr 2
27. Wurli
28. BVX 1
29. BVX 2
30. BVX Low
31. Lead Vox

(31 tracks)

Attached files Image removed. Image removed. Image removed. Image removed. Image removed.

anonymous Sat, 09/01/2001 - 05:52

here is the track sheet for the ROASVELT song "Here Again" recorded on DA-38

1 - K
2 - SN
3 - OH
4 - OH
5 - Cheapo Throne Mic
6 - "Room" Mic
7 - Scratch Vocal
8 - Bass
9 - Rhodes
10 - Empty
11 - Lead Vocal
12 - Guitar - Staccato
13 - Guitar - Riff
14 - Hammond Organ Top
15 - Hammond Organ Bottom
16 - Horns

Thanks again.

(16 tracks)

Rader Ranch Sun, 09/02/2001 - 22:26

London Town: 16 bit 44.1 PT... :(

3.OH L
4.OH R
5.snare OD
6.snare OD + ride
7.Elec. drums L
8.Elec. drums R
15.Lead Vox
16.Lead Helper
17.harm vox 1
18.harm vox 2
19.harm 3 + ad libs
20.Synth L
21.Synth R
22.Vox synth L
23.Vox synth R

(24 tracks)

hey, on another song on this album we've got kazoos!! :D


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