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Hello all, I am in my 2nd year of studying sound production and this weekend I have access to one of these [=""]LD Systems LAX20D[/]="http://www.ld-syste…"]LD Systems LAX20D[/] mixing consoles.

I play bass guitar in a local band called The Switch ([[url=http://="…"]Theswitchmusic1 - YouTube[/]="…"]Theswitchmusic1 - YouTube[/] *hope this link is within forum guidelines*) and we are looking to record some tracks.

to get back on point, I also have a Zoom R16 that i would like to use as an interface linking to my laptop while using the LD systems desk for the instruments.

My first thought is to have the main outputs from the LD systems desk running into 2 channels on the zoom interface to be recorded on either Cubase or Studio One.

Am i overlooking any easier ways or better ways of tracking my band's performance?

Any help and advice is greatly received

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