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Hello all. I’ve been recently been dropped into the position of being my companies audio engineer. I have nearly zero training in the field, so I thought I’d ask some advice from those of you with the experience.

Primarily we will be recording vocal work for use online in flash projects.

Until recently I was capturing sound using a desktop mic and a sound blaster using Audacity, obviously not a very good setup.

But now I have an M-Box with Pro Tools LE, a couple Sure SM58 mics with stands and pop guards, and we have put in an order for a sound sucker 4x6 sound booth. 

I think we’re on the right path to a modest recording capability.

Currently I am in the mind of using pro tools to record, and sticking with Audacity for my editing, since I’m more familiar with it. I might switch to Pro Tools as my primary editor as I grow more familiar with it, but it’s my understanding that once I get the nice clean source audio from Pro Tools editing it in something else shouldn’t be inherently degrading to the quality.

So, I guess my question is, what advice would an experienced audio engineer recording pro give some one in my position with my equipment? I can get budget to buy more equipment if it will make a significant difference in the capabilities we have.

Thanks for your time and thoughts.


KurtFoster Fri, 03/25/2005 - 16:34

I wouild get a different mic ... 58's are fine ... but that's it... just fine. A good condenser or LD dynamic will offer a bit more detail and will help to squeeze the most out of the flash format.

VO usually requires a warm sound ... the EV RE20 is the dynamic mic everyone goes to for this. Also worth of mention (and my personal fave) the Shure SM7 ... I prefer the older SM7a but the SM7b is good too.

On a budget? Check the KEL Audio HM-1 ... a sd side address condenser that sounds remarkably similar to the Neumann U87 ... not exactly like it but close enough that I would challange anyone to pick out the 87 from the HM-1 in a double blind listening test. The price is easy to swallow as well at $99 with shipping included. If you hate it, you have 21 days to return it. I am keeping the pair that came here to be reviewed.

anonymous Sat, 03/26/2005 - 20:08

EV RE20 alternatives

Rather than discuss LDC's in the thread, I'm attracted by the EV RE20 for Vox. If any one has the opportunity, please try out the MD 421 II! I've found its voice handling characteristics to be on occassions better than the RE20 especially for those who are short on the deep throaty side of the voice and need a bit of proximity! It handles the singing voice (clarity and transparency) better than the SM7 (this offers a somewhat greater proximity effect than the MD 421 II). The MD421 II also offers a variable roll-off unlike the Variable-D on the RE20. The RE20 is not generally suitable for all voices but is a SUPERB all-rounder. If money is not a serious option, then the MD 441 is possibly the ultimate dynamic for Vox.

I've yet to figure out why the MD421 II has been side-lined for use only for recording toms (at least in reviews)!!
I'd appreciate your views on this.
Please excuse me for the diversion!!

This is indeed a great forum !!


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