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i'm wondering what the average temperature (degrees F) is for the inside of a computer case. also, how hot is too hot, to the point where it could damage your components? i have a thermometer and it shows that i generally run between 75-83 degrees F. is this normal? thank you!



David French Fri, 06/17/2005 - 14:56

What's more important is the temperature of your individual components. The manufacturer of your CPU, hard drives, etc. should list on their website the temperature ranges that your compnents will be safe in, and the temperature which is considered overheated. To check these, download and install Motherboard Monitor 5. After you set it up, you will be able to monitor temperatures for CPU, ambient case temp, possibly for your hard drives, as well as other things like fan speeds, right from your screen. Then you can compare to the OEM's recommended temps and eved check out the MBM5 community for other people's temps.

anonymous Fri, 06/17/2005 - 22:10

Hey David, I'm curious, does the Motherboard Monitor program take the temps straight from the mobo bios, or does it use some other method of reading temps?

I have an athlon 64 socket 939 with abit AV8 motherboard, and they are known for incorrectly reporting high temperatures. I'd like a program that can give an accurate reading.


Big_D Sat, 06/18/2005 - 03:20

I've had great success with this program with Intel based Mobos but I've found with AMD if your Mobo isn't on the list it won't report the correct temps. With the Intel stuff it seems that if it's the same maker like Asus and the same chipset like 865 you can choose any Mobo from the list that fits that criteria and it will work. With AMD it has to be the exact model Mobo you have. I think that may be why you are hearing stories of incorrect temps being reported by the software.

Any way great software, David pointed me to it a while back and I love it. Give it a try, it can't hurt just don't have it auto start until you know it won't hose up your system if it has trouble with the sensors.


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