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Being very bored to edit samples on the small screen of my E4K, i want to transfer them( quick'n'easy ) to my B/W G3 350 -via SCSI?- do the editing (cut & . .) & back to the EMU .
BTW,I also use PT 24 .

Which program would help me best ?




anonymous Wed, 02/14/2001 - 04:36

Originally posted by Marc Cooreman:
Being very bored to edit samples on the small screen of my E4K, i want to transfer them( quick'n'easy ) to my B/W G3 350 -via SCSI?- do the editing (cut & .....) & back to the EMU .
BTW ,I also use PT 24 .

Which program would help me best ?


Sorry to jump in. I've got Spark for several months now, and I'm not happy at all . Is very "slow", even on a G4, and I was more pleased with WaveLab on PC. Just my tought.


nrgmusic Sat, 02/24/2001 - 23:42

Hey Marc
No I didn't I'm ashamed to say. I got a trial version of Peak and it just kinda felt good to me. At the time I wasn't running Pro Tools I was mainly doing my programming in Logic and recording everything to Adat via a board. I was just really pleased that I could use premier plugs in Peak and that it would communicate seamlessly with my CD3000xl. No more squinting at that little screen... Have you tried both? I was thinking of upgrading my current 2.1tdm later this month but if Spark is really cool I would very much like to give it a spin.

Simon :D

Marc Cooreman Sun, 02/25/2001 - 02:41

I tried both , but the 7 days of being able to use Spark were shortened by a serious flu .
Honestly, i liked Peak more intuitively, but then i could use it for a longer time .
Did you already tried D-SoundPRO ? It's shareware can download it here
But the recent 3.5.1 version seems to have a problem with my USB Mac, "sampler is not responding" while Peak & Spark worked fine .
But , "Version 4.0 available very soon !!!"
Anyway i'm interested in which program you (or anybody else) PREFER !
