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I have 512 megs of ram right now and was going to upgrade to 1 gig. Will I notice a huge improvement for running plugins? How about the clicks/pops that I get?



anonymous Mon, 03/14/2005 - 18:47

More ram is always better unless its the wrong ram. :wink: I run 2 gigs with my G5 Dual 1.8 and it just screams. I once bought some 400 Kinston ValuRam for my new G5 at a jobber and it was actually PC ram. It started up and initially appeared to be working fine but I started noticing kliks and pops in my bounces. Also kernel crashes. Turned out it was the wrong ram. Replaced with Kensington G5 Ram and now I don't get any kliks when bouncing or crashes.

o2x Thu, 03/17/2005 - 09:52

You will notice a difference, but its proportional. If the CPU is the Heart of the machine then RAM is its lungs. The more tracks and plugs you have running at any one time, the more processing power and RAM you will need to achieve success.

Saying this 512Mb should be fine for most things. (I used to run PT on 512Mb a few years back).

Your clicks and pops could be coming from a few sources. Check you have the latest ASIO drivers. Disable as many start up apps that may be running in the background. Make sure your not online (it's amzing how many people forget that this creates havoc with your HD), and do as the guys suggest and check your latency setup. Ultra low latency times maybe something to brag about, but a couple of extra microseconds latency may be far more important in terms of sample quality.