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Pulled this out of an old Etude mag.

Things have changed.




realdynamix Wed, 03/14/2001 - 04:55

It was early in the 80's. I was requested to compose musical background for games on the Commadore Vic, 20,64, systems. Well, the way that was done was very tough, first you have to compose with 3 seperate occillators, also each one could only produce one note at a time. So everything had this busy little three note melody going on. You had so many lines of programing to produce the simple things. You had to tell the computer everything which generator, what address was the note, what pitch, durration, etc., all in BASIC. I have a recording, and if possible will demo a little after I dig it out. :eek:
Even those Vic,s were super computers compared to the ones in '56.