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Whats up guys.

Im about to begin recording an acoustic album. It will only be 5 or 6 songs... my question is involving Micing the acoustic guitar. I have had So-So results so far, getting the sound good.

I will give you a rundown on my mics and stuff;

Chain: PreSonus Firepod, Behringer Composer Pro-XL, Aphex 204, Sonar 3 Producer.

Mics: Beta 57a, SM58, KSM27, AT4040, SM81.

Guitar: Epiphone PR5E

Alright. I have had pretty good results with the KSM27, but I was wondering what you guys would use in this situation. Mainly I am curious about mic positioning and compressor settings. Would you use the 204, and in what way? Thanks a lot!

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Davedog Tue, 01/18/2005 - 17:40

Sm81 at the 12th fret....KSM27 out and above about two feet usually inline with the soundhole but this can vary..Tilt at a 45% angle...DO NOT move around while playing...focus entirely on the placement of the 81...this is your mic that will give you your acoustic sound.Make sure the pre is of the clean and precise variety as the mic has enough color of its own and you're trying to capture the sound of the guitar.One inch in ANY direction will make a huge difference in the tonal reproduction. Fresh fresh I mean a couple of days old, all stretched into playing shape and TUNE after EACH take....If you have a friend with a Martin or a round shouldered Gibson try it...Try any other acoustic guitar you have access'll be surprised at what will sound good in a well miced situation....Yes, I would choose the 204 as my pre...NO I would not compress at this time...compress later as it is IMPOSSIBLE to reverse this if recorded....Mic placement is everything....blend to taste but go with the 81 on the guitar not the 27...the 27 should be your room mic.


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