I'm interested in buying a speaker splitter. But I have no clue on what I may need or if I'm buying the correct one. I'm looking to buy one that will support at least 3 speakers. So far i Have two sets of speakers: Samson Audio - Resolv 40a and a pair of EPI 100 i bought from goodwill for like 5 dollars.
I'm looking to get something like this: http://cgi.ebay.com…"]NEW 5 Speaker Selector Switch Switcher Splitter,200Watt - eBay (item 270563099833 end time May-13-10 12:08:31 PDT)[/]="http://cgi.ebay.com…"]NEW 5 Speaker Selector Switch Switcher Splitter,200Watt - eBay (item 270563099833 end time May-13-10 12:08:31 PDT)[/] to switch between speakers. Will this work?
Is the hook up like this:
The output of my sound board (maudio project mix) will go into the RCA input of the samson then,
the L and R cable wires will hook into the speaker 1 of the "speaker selector" or the amplifier of the "speaker selector"?
I just want to make sure I'm doing this right before I go out a purchase this. Thank You
Jarci: I looks like you have two Line Outs on the M-Audio. So I
I looks like you have two Line Outs on the M-Audio. So I would take #1 line out using a 1/4"-RCA patch cable to the Resolves and the #2 line out using 1/4"-RCA to the input of a small amp or hi-fi receiver to your $5 speakers. No switcher needed. If you use a hi-fi receiver (goodwill maybe if you don't have one lying around?!?!) most of those have multiple speaker hookups on the back...(A/B/C) so you could hookup more speakers to that and use it as a switcher....
No, sorry, it won't quite work in the way you suggest. The Reeso
No, sorry, it won't quite work in the way you suggest. The Reesolv 40as have a stereo power amplifier in the right-hand cabinet that drives the right-hand speaker internally. The drive for the left-hand speaker is brought out on terminals that you connect to the passive left hand speaker.
What you have to do is treat the Resolvs as a pair of active monitors and split the signal at the line-level output of your Project Mix. Run that stereo signal into a passive RCA selector box such as [[url=http://[/URL]="http://cgi.ebay.com…"]this one[/]="http://cgi.ebay.com…"]this one[/]. Take one output of the selector box to the RCA input of your Resolvs, and another output to a separate stereo amplifier to drive the EPI 100s. Repeat that for another two pairs of speakers if you need to.